4. Discreet items

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"It's getting a bit late Jamie"
Andrew stepped infront of the tv, blocking it and forcing me to pay attention to him.

"So, if you want to a have shower, have it now or it'll be too late and you'll go to bed feeling gross"
I scowled at the tall man as he finished
"And that's not my problem, so I suggest you get your butt into the shower"
"Fine! If you're going to be annoying about it, fine I'll shower
I groaned as they walked over to me, grabbing the remote to turn of the tv, making me whine regretfully.

"Hey, you cant bring the tv to the shower"
I was watching some dumb cooking show, it wasnt colourful or have really cool police dogs but it was amusing enough, the food looked good.

Andrew did his usual job of half carrying me everywhere, making me feel like a mouse and general being too nice as they very carefully guided me up the stairs to my room. But I stopped us both before he could bring me inside, as I noticed a door.

What's in there?"

I pointed to the door opposite Andrews room. Andrew had given me the official house tour earlier but glazed over the door in question, I'd never noticed it and i was curious. I hobbled over and went for the handle, it jiggled. Locked
Andrew paused for a bit too long, making me suspicious.
"It's just um a closet"

"Why's it locked?"
"Cause there's dangerous stuff in there. My sister has kids. Sometimes they go searching for something to frighten the life outta their mother. I try to stop that"

His little anecdote made me laugh and briefly forget about the closet, for now at least.

He brought me to my room, over to my bed and let me sit up on the bed myself.

"Ok, call me when your done, if you're quick we'll watch a bit more tv then bed. I'll be in my room"
He smiled at me but I remained neutral as he left.

I leaned over to the end of my bed where my bag was and pulled out my package of shame, taking out my final garment with a dreadful feeling in my stomach.

That's when I realised... there was no final garment, I had used it up last night with the intentions of figuring out a solution later. Well its later and I was freaked.

A thousand thoughts screamed at me as I tried to think straight. I was such an idiot, I completely forgot.

What could I do? I needed to get more. I could sneak out. Where would I go? Just run find the nearest shop, run back. I suppose it's my best option..
but Andrew would find me out..

...Not if I had the shower running. That way he'd still think I was showering, it was full-proof.

I hopped of the bad and went for the bathroom that was in my room, quickly fiddling with the small shower and turning it up all the way. Water burst out of the shower head, it was very loud and I left it that way as I hastily returned to my old backpack and got out the clothes Andrew had washed for me, they were certainly cleaner, but it only seemed to accentuate how holey they were.

I slipped the my old hoodie and jeans, they felt way softer than I think they ever had, before tying up my shoes and throwing the backpack over my back. I still had some money in my bag, probably enough for the time being.

I listened out for Footsteps then stuck my head my door, peering up and down the hallways before slinking over ot the stairs.

I sat down at the top of the stairs and  snaked down, sliding on my butt (shut up, it was faster than dragging my leg). I slipped over to the door.

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