25. Supplies

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The cans of purple paint from the hardware store rattled in the boot as we pulled into our next stop.

Andi easily navigated the nearly empty car park outside of the massive warehouse store that we were set to concur. The time guaranteed it to be as empty as possible.
"It's big"
I said with a gulp, Andi took one hand off the wheel and put it on my shoulder.
"It's gonna be just fine jam"

Today was a very big day. We were picking up supplies for my eventual regression. A shopping trip id been dreading since our second doctor's visit.

To ease my nerves we first went to look at loads of different paints and I picked out the purple for the walls of my new room.
But now that I was face to face with our central errand, "Nobody puts Baby in a corner", the massive supernatural children's store in the face. My nerves felt no more eased.

Andi squeezed my shoulder
"Bambi look at me. We have a plan, we're avoiding more than half of the store already-"
Andi was referring to the stuff we'd ordered online, big horrifically embarrassing furniture items and the likes of that
"-and with you in charge of the list we've got nothing to fear"

I looked down the notepad Andi had given me this morning, the open page showing a long list of items that I was totally in charge of. Andi was doing pick up of ordered stuff and heavy lifting, while I was all over this list. It was a completely even mission

Andi had written the list out in large clear writing that made it way easier to understand. Though him walking me through it and drawing little doodles of each item next to their word helped me remember too.

I was gripping the pad tightly, trying my best to hide my repulsion at buying some of the written items.

Andi saw right through me and squashed the seeds of anxiety in my stomach.
"Jamie, what are we remembering today?"
I rolled my eyes but Andi fixed me a look and I repeated the mantra he'd been hammering down my throat the last few days.

"I don't have to use any of this stuff right away, it's only to be prepared"
I said monotonely and Andi smiled.
"That's right jam"

He was being really chipper today. I knew he was just trying to lift my spirits so it was hard to be annoyed. But I managed, frowning deeply at him.

Andi had the audacity to chuckle as we pulled into a spot right by the entrance. With a scowl, I opened up my door and was about to jump out when Andi quickly reached over and pulled the door back in with an
I looked at him, shocked. He spoke sternly
"Jamie the car is still moving, you can't open the doors. I've said it to you before. It's dangerous"
I groaned and Andi tutted at me, making me flush and scowl.

"You just gotta wait 2 whole seconds can you do that Jamie?"
Andi teased as he finished pulling in, I didn't respond. He parked the car and gave me the go ahead.
"Alright go on"
I grumbled sarcastically
And jumped out of the car as I intended to just a moment ago.

But standing there I suddenly didn't understand my haste, as I looked along the building again and felt a small whimper escape my lips. It was admittedly scary.

Andi got out and rounded the car to stand next to me. I shamefully put my head down, not wanting him to see my total loss of confidence.
Andi casually took my hand and rubbed it with his thumb. He bent down a little and whispered to me
"Are we all ready bambi?"

I looked up at him and hesitantly nodded, Andi smiled sympathetically.
"If you need, we can take another minute before going in"
Andi offered but I shook my head, holding his hand already made me feel alot better.

And so we retrieved a large shopping cart and headed inside.

It was immediately overwhelming, the aisles were long, the shelves were tall and absolutely packed with stuff. There were big displays of elaborate furniture set ups.

I'm not a puppy! (age regression)Where stories live. Discover now