6. I don't need them

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I woke up that night to the sound of someone running down the hall. I jolted up in bed and looked at the time.

4:00 am

Was the house being broken into?

I pulled back my covers and quietly got out of bed. I looked around my room for a weapon, something to intimidate the intruder before jumping straight to the ol fangs.

I decided on tennis racket that I really should've put away by now but my rooms pretty much in a tip so it didn't matter either way.

I held my weapon of choice up and approached the door. I could hear the burglar just outside.

I threw open my bedroom door and pointed the racket at the human-esc shadow in the dark, about to head downstairs.
"What the fuck are you doing in my house!-"
I halted myself as the shadow squeaked, slipping a little on the top step of the stairs. I lowered my guard, and realised that the would be burglar was infact very short, and taking very shakey breaths.

The burglar still stood frozen in place, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes to make sure I was seeing correctly.
They stood completely still, unsure of what to do.
"Jamie what's wrong, has something happened?"

Jamie started to back up.
"No, everything's... fine"
They quickly spat out. I walked forward, following their steps.
"Then what are you doing up, hold on I can't see a thing"

I stepped back over to ny room to turn on the light in there.
"No stop!"
Jamie yelled, a little too late as I already flipped the switch.

I looked back to Jamie
The light coming out into the hallway was dim but I could still see the wet patch spread over their shorts.

"Oh, Jamie"
I tried to not embarrass them too much.
"I'll grab you another pair of shorts, just wait there for a second"

I left the poor kid alone for a moment as I quickly put the racket down and searched for something else for them to wear, finding another pair of shorts

When I returned Jamie was gone.

I walked down to their room in hopes they'd gone back there. I poked my head in, Jamie was nowhere to be seen but the bathroom door was closed.

I approached and cautiously called out.
They yelled back, making me flinch.

I folded the shorts and placed them on the ground
"Clothes left outside the door, call me when you're done"
I simply said and left, flipping on a soft lamp light as I went.

I stood outside in the hallway and listened to Jamie. As they came out of the bathroom, and got changed, mumbling and cursing themselves and me the entire time. It hurt to hear but they were just angry and tired.

I listened to them taking a pull up out of the honestly very crinkly and non discreet packaging they came in.
"Stupid fucking thing"
They muttered and I frowned.

Eventually the door was reopened and Jamie stood wearing the new pair of shorts, holding them up as the drawstring wasn't tied.

I had tried showing jamie how to tie it themselves but they just ended up getting confused, annoyed and trying to kick me.

I bent down and tied it for them, I could see the top of the pullup sticking out. I simply asked.
"Is the bed wet?"
Jamie stayed quiet and wouldn't meet my eyes. I rubbed their arm reassuringly.
"I'll get the sheet off and wash it in the morning, you'll sleep in my bed. I'll take the couch"

It felt like I was talking to a wall. Jamie was unresponsive and just walked away from me, to my room. I sighed and half yawned before going back into the room and over to the bed. I pulled back the duvet and confirmed my suspicion.

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