30. Hanging out

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I pulled at a loose thread on June as Andi scowered up and down the road for a parking spot.
"Tom's so excited to hang out with you Jamie, seriously he wouldn't stop texting me all week"
I didn't respond, absently staring out the window and trying to pretend I wasn't strapped into the car seat. Which, despite my very well put arguments, Andi refused to budge on.

"He even said he picked up some stuff for you to do some artsy thing together, that sounds like fun huh?"
Andi rubbed my knee and I shrugged
"Yeah, sounds fun"
Andi sighed and withdrew his hand to properly park the car. I snapped the thread and rolled it between my fingers.

Today a stupid adoption lady is coming to the house to go through our things and ask Andi loads of questions, and it sucks. So I'm hiding at Tom's apartment till it's over.

I really didn't like the idea of her judging Andi and all our stuff. But I hated the idea of being there for it even more, so an escape to Tom's was in order. I wasn't even sure why I was being so melancholy about it. I like Tom, he's probably 3rd of my list of good people (behind Andi and Ben).

"Ok we're here!"
Andi gave my shoulder a little rub before hopping out the car and heading around to me. He went a little faster than I expected, and so caught me pulling fruitlessly at the carseat straps trying to unlock it. Even though I was resigned to the humiliating seat I still wanted a little control.

Andi scolded me while he playfully batted my hands away
"Ah ah Jamie, you could break it yanking like that. Let me do it"
He effortlessly undid the clip and smiled
"See? Andi's got you"
I scowled at him, he ignored it.

Before I could jump out myself, Andi lifted me out and set me down on my feet. I pushed him away and grumbled angrily. And Andi had the audacity to laugh as he grabbed my bag out of the backseat, throwing it over his shoulder.
It wasn't my normal bag though, it was the big one we got at the baby shop. It made me feel a little uneasy, even if it had stars on its sides.

Andi offered out his hand and I took it. But not without an inner jab at myself for wanting such things.

All the regression work I've been doing with Andi over the past few weeks has honestly been doing wonders. My head had felt more clear than it had in a long time. But with fog lifting came my critical inner voice clearer than ever before. And it was never short of material to make me feel miserable about myself, especially with all the involuntary aspects of the regression.

Andi told me this was gonna be the biggest battle id have to face, telling that voice to pipe down. But it was hard, I almost wanted to go back to the deafening fuzz. Just anything to drown it out.

The only thing that seemed to fly under its radar was June, she's brought everywhere these days and i feel zero shame for it. I think it's because of a heated debate we had over June being childish. She said she's 100% not childish and not even my inner voice was gonna try argue with that.

We approached the apartment building door and Andi rang one of the probably millions of little buttons. I heard Tom's voice come out the speaker.
Andi put on a funny voice, pinching his nose and grinning at me. He was obviously thrying to make me laugh and it did succeed a little.

"Got a special delivery for a Thomas Hearth, one perfect angel nibbling and the favourite child of the family"
Andi looked very smug but not for long as tom asked
I laughed as Andi dropped the act completely and frowned
"Just open the god damn door"

Tom laughed and a buzzer went off. Andi held the door open for me and we began our ascent up way too many steps till we reached out destined floor. My legs felt like jelly and every step I took I was convinced a rustle could be heard.

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