Chapter 1

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All the characters in this book belong to the CW's The Vampire Diaries franchise. 

You must have watched The Vampire Diaries(S1~4) and The Originals to understand the storyline of this book. It's okay if you haven't watched Legacies, as this book mainly focuses on TVD and TO. All you have to know is that 'Malivore' is a being the main characters of Legacies are fighting against. 


Hope's pov

 I still have no clue as to why I thought this would be a good idea. But just so you know, I didn't wake up one day and suddenly decide to make a choice that would undoubtedly disrupt the balance of nature. It's not like I purposely made up my mind to complete step one in a plan that could end all life on earth as we know it... But that's what happened, anyway. And now, as I lay on the ground and look up at the dark night sky, I realize...

I messed up.

"Lizzie? Josie?" I say, as I scramble over to their cold, unmoving bodies. "Oh, god," I say, as I furiously shake Josie's shoulders. From next to me, Lizzie wakes up with a gasp. "It's- f-freezing," she stutters, as the thick snow continues to fall all around us.

"Where are we?" Josie mutters weakly. I let out a breath of relief.

"Did it work? Did the spell work? Is Malivore gone?" Lizzie says, as she stands up and looks around. It seems we're on top of a hill, which is covered from top to bottom in rough snow. I can't see anything for miles around.

"I don't know," I say, as an icy wind cuts across my face. "But if it did, it seems the rest of civilization has disappeared along with it."

"No, no, no," Lizzie says, pacing back and forth in an attempt to warm herself up. "Hope, this is all your fault!" Lizzie screams at me. "I know it is!" I shout back. Our voices echo down the hill.

"Both of you, stop," Josie says, as she tries to stand up. I kneel back down and help her get onto her feet. "Something's wrong... Hope, I think you're wrong," Josie says with a frown. 

"It's not the rest of civilization that's disappeared... It's us," she says.

"We're not in Mystic Falls anymore," Lizzie realizes.

I take another look around the hill we're standing on, and realize that the twins are right. The landscaping, the positions of the stars... Even the air smells fresher and cleaner.

"So if we're not in Mystic Falls, where are we?" Josie asks quietly. I sit down on the snow covered ground and begin to think. 

"Hope, didn't you say this spell that we tried to use on Malivore was created by your great aunt or something?" Lizzie asks, as she sits down with a huff beside me.

I shake my head. "No... Only a part of the spell was based on my great aunt Dahlia's sleeping curse. I took the part about how she used the dark forces of nature to freeze time on her own body and my aunt Freya's. That's how they managed to stay alive for one thousand years, despite being mortal beings," I say.

"What does that even mean?" Lizzie speaks through chattering teeth. 

"My spell was supposed to trap Malivore in the fluid of time, an area that simply exists. An area that no one can see or feel," I say sharply, getting tired of Lizzie's complaining.

"The fluid of time?" Josie asks. I nod slowly, as I realize what the worst possible outcome of the spell we performed could have been. "God, we should have listened to dad, he told us not to go around messing with Mikaelson spells," Lizzie groans.

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