Chapter Nineteen

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"I'm not a cop."

I was frozen; completely, entirely, and utterly frozen. Had he really said that, or was I hallucinating?

"What?!" I spat, causing Richard to jump from surprise as a result of my spontaneous reaction.

"What do you mean, you're 'not a cop'?"

Richard sighed, we were still lying in the bed together and I was surprised that I hadn't bolted yet.

"I mean, I'm not a cop. I've never been a cop, Allison." he muttered.

He's never been a cop? He wasn't even a cop in the first place? What the hell?!

"You lied to me?" I asked in disbelief.

"I did." Richard whispered, casting his eyes away from mine.

"I trusted you with my life and you lied to me?" tears threatened to fall from my eyes and I fought to keep them back.

I shook my head, my heart full of disbelief.

"Please don't cry, It's okay. I'm really sorry, Allison." Richard said as he reached his hand toward my tear-stricken face.

I swatted his hand away, defensively.

"No." I stated sternly, moving away from him and getting off of the bed.

Richard looked as if he had been slapped, his features full of hurt and sadness.

"Don't you ever  touch me, and don't you dare apologize to me. You're apology will not do anything remotely close to fixing this problem. You willingly brought me here! And don't tell me that everything is okay! Look around, Richard! I'm stuck in a pedophiles mansion and my so-called 'hero' is actually my kidnapper, whom I just so happen to be falling for!"

Richard sat up and his lips curled into a tight frown.

"I didn't willingly take you." he stated, his eyes dark.

I scoffed, "Yeah, right. You expect me to believe you now, after all the times you lied to me?"

I crossed my arms and laughed coldly.

"You're funny." I stated, sarcasm and venom dripping from my voice.

"Listen, can you let me-"

"Explain? Explain? You want me to let you explain your faults? Are you-"

"Kidding you? I'm not kidding, Allison. I have a side to this story, and you need to hear it." he interjected, his expression cold and hard.

I turned away from him, my arms crossed over my chest.

"I don't want to listen to your explanation. I've had enough of you. First you tell me you're my friend, then I find out that you're actually some weirdo who was plotting to kidnap me, then you tell me that you're a cop, and now you tell me that you're not."

I gripped my head with my fingertips.

"My brain feels like it is going to explode, and you know what's worse? I feel betrayed, Richard." I huffed.

"I would appreciated it if you would leave me alone for a while." I stated, crossing my arms over my chest again.

I heard the bed creak slightly as Richard rose from it, and then his footsteps as he made his way to the door.

Richard opened the door but I did not hear his retreat.

"Are you going to leave or what?" I spat.

Richard sighed.

"I still owe you an explanation, you need to hear me out. I'll be back in about three hours."

"It would help if you told me what time it was, there's no clock in here you know." I stated flatly.

"It's 9:45pm."

I grunted in response.

"Goodbye, Allison." he said, almost in a whisper.

I ignored him as I stared down at my feet, waiting for him to leave.

Richard sighed as he closed the door firmly behind him after exiting the room.

I was alone in the large room again; except this time, I wasn't desperately waiting for Richard's return. I hoped that the three hours would go by as slow as possible so that I had some time to process my thoughts.

Part of me did not want to listen to Richard's explanation, but I knew that I had to give him a chance. Even if he was undeserving of one, he needed to explain his faults. I hated that I wanted to know what drove Richard to do this; I wanted to know his motives. What sinister thoughts had he had that drove him to kidnap me?

Sighing deeply, I made my way over to the bed. Maybe I would be able to get some sleep before Richard came back. Feeling a chill run through my body, I submerged myself in the blankets, allowing myself to be completely enveloped in Richard's scent and warmth that he had left behind.



A part of me hated that I told Allison my secret and yet, another part of me felt relieved. Maybe she would forgive me somehow. Maybe after she listened to my explanation, she would find a way to forgive me for what I have done. She would be able to see that I had no choice, that I was seemingly forced to do this job.

Now is when I realize that I would have rather been killed than perform that job. Anything would have been better than kidnapping young girls; anything.

In that moment, I despised myself. I kept repeating the same questions in my mind.

What's wrong with you?

Why did you even agree to this?

Why couldn't you have stayed out of that alley?

Why didn't you just give the old man your wallet?

If I hadn't gone into that alley, I wouldn't be in this mess. I would have never met the homeless man who wanted to steal my money, and I would have never gotten into a fight with him. Most importantly, I would have never met Jack. Life would have been so much better if I had never met Jack, even if I was still left without a home and roaming the streets looking for a job.

But then it hit me, and as sick as it may seem... I was kind of grateful that I met Jack. For if I hadn't met Jack, I would have never met Allison.

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