Author's Note

339 17 11

Hey, guys!

I just wanted to let you all know that I have changed my book cover! :D The reason that I have done this is because I noticed that many people have been choosing the same cover photo as me for their books. This made me feel as if my book was blending in with others too much, so I changed the look of Captured. :) I hope you all like the new look!

And one more thing... The reason I've been so slow with updating is because I've been getting less reads and comments, so I've had less of an intensive to write. :/ I have to let you know that you're good comments and favorites are what make me strive to write. :)  So, please keep commenting, favoriting, and most of all, reading!!! The more I see that you are all loving my book, the more frequently I will update!!! (Maybe I'll even post back-to-back chapters) ;)

Well, that's it! Please continue reading, I will be posting another chapter soon!

Have a great day!

~Steph :)

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