Chapter Ten

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I slowly twisted the door knob and opened the door just a crack to allow my head to poke through. I turned my head left and right, peering at each end of the endless hallway. The coast was clear so I tiptoed into the hall and turned left.

I began to hear footsteps behind me so I picked up my pace. It was a good thing I wasn't wearing any shoes. John must have removed them after he knocked me out.

It was not long until I heard a male voice yell, "What the hell!?!"

It was the other man that was speaking to John earlier.

The sound of the footsteps grew louder and faster so I turned a corner and went straight into a bedroom.

I slammed the door behind me and panted, clutching my chest.

Suddenly, I heard the shower turn on in the bathroom a few feet away from me. Next came along a male singing voice.

It was John.

Frantically, I searched the room for a hiding place. I decided to hide under the bed. As soon as I got settled under the bed, the bedroom door swung open revealing a rather large pair of feet. I could tell that it was a man, and he must have been pretty tall and buff because his feet were huge.

Leaving the bedroom door open, he stalked toward the bathroom door where John was showering. The man attempted to open the bathroom door but it was locked.

The man growled and muttered under his breath, "Now he locks the door."

The man began knocking wildly on the door. It seemed as if the door would cave in at any second.

"GET OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" Hollered the man.

John opened the door and stepped out of the bathroom, all I could see were his muscular wet legs and the bottom of his towel which was wrapped around his waist.

"What?" John asked, panic laced in his voice.

"The girl. She's gone." said the man through gritted teeth.

I heard John's breath hitch.

"She can't be."

"Well she is, and you better find her or you're fired. Not only that, but I'll kick you out of my house." growled the man.

"Yes, sir. I'll get dressed and go looking."

The man sighed a tense sigh and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

John sat on the bed and I could feel the bed bend above me. I gasped a bit too loud and John stilled.

He heard me.

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