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Mad eye stormed through the house and walked into the living room.

"Good to see you actually did your part." "Nice to see you too Moody." Mad eye rolled his eyes.

"Hey." Harry smiled at Remus. "Godson." "Godfather."
"Harry! Are you ready?" "As ready as I'll ever be." The twins chuckled. "Oh it's nice to see you Harry." Harry smiled at Rumuses wife, Nymphadora Tonks. "Harry." "Hermione." "Wow what a greeting." Harry rolled his eyes.

Mad eye looked around the room.

"Who's he?" "Draco." "As in the death eater Dumbledore talked about?" "Moody he's on our side." "For now." Harry and Sirius rolled their eyes.

"Let's get down to business. Harry you have your trunk." "In the hallway." "Good."

Mad eye pulled out a bottle.

"No. Are you serious?" Hermione crossed her arms. "Well we have to look like you." "But Polly juice?" Harry sighed.
"Hairs harry." "Why does that rhythm?" Harry hit Fred's arm. "I'm kidding!" George laughed as Fred rubbed his arm.

Hermione ripped some of Harry's hair out and he cursed at her.

"Fucking hell Hermione!" "We don't have all day Harry." Harry growled, rubbing his head.

Mad eye swished the potion around and handed it to Remus.
One by one everyone drank the potion and turned into Harry.

Fred and George put their hands in front of each other.

"How bad is your eyesight?" "Bad."

Mad eye dumped a bag of ragged muggle clothes onto the floor and threw the bag to the side.

"Harry your changing too." "Yeah I got it."

"Where are some glasses?!" Harry smirked. "Maybe you won't break mine anymore." "That's funny." Harry chuckled and handed glasses out to everyone.

Draco put them on and moved his hand in front of his face.

"This is so weird." Harry chuckled. "We're the same height now." "I don't like it."
Harry grabbed a red shirt, black jacket, jeans and black sneakers.

"Oh this is so weird."

Everyone looked over to see the girls taking off their bras and laughed.

"Stop looking!"
Harry chuckled and quickly put his clothes on.

'I'm so happy the Polly juice doesn't show wounds' Harry thought as he tied the 5 dollar shoe laces.

"Harry how are you fine with seeing at this level?" "Shut up Tonks!" Tonks laughed.
"Seriously I feel so small... and fragile." Harry rolled his eyes. "Seriously look you can see my ribs."
Draco looked at Harry who was slowly getting annoyed.

"Let's go we don't have all night!"
Everyone followed and grabbed the worn down brooms.

"Harry you'll be going with Hagrid." Harry nodded and smiled at the giant.
Harry got in the small side seat while Hermione and Draco got his trunk.

"Remember to stay out of sight!" "Right!"
Everyone kicked off and Harry smiled as the wind hit his face.

"You ok 'arry?" Harry looked at Hagrid. "Yeah... just hope all of us can get there in one piece." Hagrid chuckled. "Don't worry 'Arry this is the order we're talking about." Harry nodded.

'Hermione isn't a skilled flier that's why I'm worried' he thought and looked back.

Charles Potters Younger BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now