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Harry took Ibuprofen and gulped the rest of his water.

"Mate are you alright?" "I'm fine just a headache."

Voldemort raging.

Harry groaned.

"Fucking hate headaches."

A knock came to the door and Molly turned the stove off before getting it.

"Harry!" "Yelling." The Weasley siblings chuckled as Harry stood.

Harry walked to Molly and was shocked to see who was at the door.
"I'll call you for breakfast." Harry nodded and looked back at Draco.

Before he could get a word out Draco grabbed the back of his neck and hip, kissing him.
Harry grabbed the hem of Dracos shirt, feeding into the kiss.

They parted but Draco quickly kissed him again.

"God I missed you." Harry smiled. "Is everything alright?"

Nagini slithering out of an elegant, book filled bedroom.

"Now that I'm with you it's perfect."
Draco kissed him again as wrapped his arms around Harry's waist.

Harry wrapped his arms around Draco and closed his eyes in pain.

Malfoy Manor.

Lucius and Narcissa.

Voldemort crucio them.


Harry pulled away and grabbed Dracos hand.

"Come on." Draco nodded and walked behind Harry.

The Weasley siblings sneered when they saw him and Harry flicked Ron's forehead.
"Don't be that way." Ron grumbled and rubbed his head.

Draco sat down beside Harry and Ginny looked at him. She quickly looked back down at her diary, scribbling away.

Molly smiled.
"Take a shower after eating you look stressed dear.. Harry your next." Harry looked up and swallowed. "Huh? I took a shower last night." "It'll help with your headache." "And she doesn't mean together." Harry pushed Ron out of his seat and he laughed.
"Yeah no funny business in our house." Harry rolled his eyes. "Don't point your fork at me." The twins smirked and started to battle Harry until Molly stopped them by scolding.

"Harry don't set a bad example!" Molly glanced at Draco and Harry sat back down. "Sorry." "Wow you can say sorry." "You can leave." Draco smirked.
Ron poked Harry with his fork and he yelped.

"I win!" Harry glared at Ron who smirked in victory. "The dirty way." "Like you've never done that." "No. No I haven't." "Don't you see the trust we hold."
Harry looked at the twins and rolled his eyes.
"Eat your food." They all chuckled.

"Such a small room." "Here high maintenance." Draco looked down to see Harry holding a pair of his clothes.
"How did you get these?" "Molly isn't a student." Draco nodded and Harry sat on Ron's bed.

Death eaters.

He closed his eyes and opened them again when the pain received.

"So.. why are you here?" Draco looked at him hurt and Harry rolled his eyes. "You hate houses like these... why are here?" "Just didn't want to be cooped up in my room for the summer." Harry looked at him in disbelief. "You don't believe me do you?" "No see the belief." Draco rolled his eyes. "I just wanted to see you." "And get away from Voldemort." Draco flinched at the name. "No." "Then why'd you flinch? Why was I having nightmares of you until you came here?" "They were just nightmares." "Ok so Voldemort *flinch* wasn't torturing you because you haven't fixed the vanishing box?0 Draco clenched his shirt. "You also don't have a glamour up and your wounds just disappeared." "Harry just stop." Harry leaned forward, elbows on knees. "Than tell me why your lying." "I'm not lying." "Draco you really think I believe that?" Draco looked at Harry. "Yes." "Than you obviously don't know me like I know you."
Harry got up.
"I'll leave you to change."

Harry shut the door and Draco sighed.


"You have to go Draco." "What will happen to you and father? Mother I cant-." "Go to that boyfriend of yours. You know where he is. He and that family will protect you... so please just go.. I can't watch my son get hurt anymore."

Draco frowned and wiped his mother's tears.

"Ok." Narcissa nodded. "I'll make a lie.. so go." Draco nodded.

End of Flashback

'I want to tell you Harry.. but I can't let my family get hurt for my sake anymore'

Charles Potters Younger BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now