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Blaise stormed into Dracos room and the blonde looked over.
He groaned.

"What the fuck do you want?" "Ronald Weasley kissed me."
Harry shot up.
"He did what?!" "Oh look at you two being all close." "Yeah it's great! What?!" Blaise nodded. "Yeah confessed and everything." "Why jealous someone didn't confess to you?" Blaise motioned for Harry to move over and sat on the bed. "Who would confess to me? I'm Harry Potter not Charles Potter." "I confessed to you." "I kissed you. Oh and he didn't respond." "Oof.. than how are you two so close?" "I pulled him onto my lap and didn't let him go." "He threw me on the bed afterwards." Draco rolled his eyes and Harry sat up, straddling Dracos lap backwards. "Who knew you two could be so close." "I want to know what you said to Ron."
Blaise smirked.
"Oh protective are we?" "Yeah it's a problem of mine." Blaise chuckled. "I asked him to be my boyfriend." Harry motioned for him to go on. "And he said yes." "And?" Draco smirked. "We snogged." "For?" "Like 30 minutes." "And nothing else? You know I'm going to hear about this from Ron so spill if you have more." Blaise raised an eyebrow in amusement. "That is all I let happen." "You mean Ron let happen."
"... It's scary how well you know us." Harry smirked. "Well we have been around each other for almost 4 weeks now." Blaise rolled his eyes.

Draco reached up and pulled Harry onto his chest.
Blaise chuckled.

"Oh how I miss eyesight." Blaise laughed while Draco just rolled his eyes.
Harry got his glasses and rolled off of the bed.

"I'm changing don't wait up." "In what? It's Saturday." "My clothes." "Muggle clothes." "Yeah the only clothes I fucking have." "Wear my clothes. "Your clothes are to big." "Than why are you wearing my shirt?" "Because it's comfy!"
Harry grabbed a shirt from Dracos dresser and stomped to the bathroom.

Blaise laughed when Harry closed the door.

"Shut up." "Did you snog?" "No we kissed.. like once." "Oh eventful." Draco flipped him off. "So.. are you going to tell him about that mark your hiding?"
Draco looked down at his left forearm where the dark mark usually rested but a glamour covered it.
"No." "Lying isn't good." "He's Charles brother." "And haven't you seen how close they are?" Draco rolled his eyes and slipped a black dress shirt over his shoulders. "You can't lie to him for forever." "Oh yeah? So your telling me you told weasel." "I'm planning to if our relationship is more then a month." Draco rolled his eyes. "And don't say it's the same thing. Unlike Weasley and I, you and Potter know almost everything about one another. I mean he even knows about your family issues and that's big for you Malfoys." "Shut up he doesn't know that much." "If you've forgotten, Potter has met both of your parents." Draco rolled his eyes and tucked his shirt in.

"I think you just want me to have someone except you to talk to." "That too." Draco rolled his eyes and sat on the bed.

Someone opened the door and they looked over to see Charles.

"Hey! A friend of mine are doing tats." "Tell me your not talking about Flemel." "I am talking about Flemel!" Charles smiled and they groaned. "Why? Why is he doing tattoos?" Charles shrugged. "He just asked me if I knew anyone who'd like to get one." "Does he even know how to do them professionally?" "His fathers a muggle tattoo artist so he should." "He should?" "Well I haven't seen his skill." "Charles your convincing us less and less." "Yeah and our parents wouldn't approve of a tattoo anyway." Charles grumbled. "But he's doing it free~." "Than you get one." "I am. A snitch on my right shoulder blade." "Your not even a seeker." "It's for my father." "Than do the symbol of arse." "My father isn't that bad." "He only takes points from us Slytherins." "He's old school like Snape with us Gryffindors." "Or a personal contest against Snape." "Anyways whatever.. you guys doing it?" "No but I know someone who'd be down to do it." "Really who?" "It's a surprise." Charles pouted. "Fine. He's doing them all day in Gryffindor common room." Charles walked out and Harry walked in.

Charles Potters Younger BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now