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Charles walked into Slytherins common room and after seeing Draco not there he went to the blondes room.
Charles opened the door, knowing Draco wasn't with a girl since he was GAY and Draco was very picky.

Draco looked up and sighed.

"I got Granger." Draco looked up quite surprised. "Excuse me?" Charles smirked. "I fucked Granger." "When?" "Just before I came here. She fell asleep." Draco held his hand over his forehead, head down. "What's your plan now?" "Well she isn't good in bed so I'll go for a new girl." Draco looked at Charles in disbelief but left it and continued on with his homework.

Hermione came down the stairs the next morning and Harry caught her when she tripped.

"Whats wrong?" Hermione held Harry's arms as he helped her sit down. "My body just hurts." "Hermione." "Harry isn't nothing."
Harry looked at Hermione in disbelief.

Hermione never hid anything from him, even if she knew he wouldn't like it... so why wasn't she telling him why she couldn't walk.

Harry looked at Charles who had a victorious smirk on his face.

"He.." "Harry stop." "You.." "Harry I wanted it." Harry raged. "A month!" Everyone looked over to see Hermione flinch from Harry's out burst.
"Oh my god how fucking stupid are you 'Mione! He's playing you! He's playing you to get what he wants!" "Your wrong!" Hermione had tears in her eyes. "Really? Than tell me how it goes in a week."

Harry grabbed his bag and stormed out. Ron sighed and hugged Hermione who was on the verge on crying.

Draco and Blaise looked up when Ron helped Hermione into the Great Hall.

"Wheres Potter?" "I was going to ask you." Draco sighed. "He knows Charles played Granger." "Than why is Charles still standing?" "Because they haven't broken up. Potter can't beat his arse until they break up... and Charles took Grangers virginity this is terrible." Blaise sighed and patted his friends shoulder before finishing his breakfast.

All day Draco watched as Charles barely gave Hermione any attention and started to feel bad for the Granger which he almost never does... but he felt even worse for Charles. He knew what was going to happen when Charles broke up with her.. and if he broke up with her in a way that would break Hermione... Draco knew Harry would break him.

Charles Potters Younger BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now