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"Dray~ their separating us~!"

Blaise snorted as Pansy held helplessly onto Dracos arm.

"Let go of me." "But I wanna come with you~." Draco glared at nothing.
Pansy held onto his arm tighter, her trunk in one hand.

"See you want me to come too."
"Watch out!"

The three looked over for Harry to crash into Pansy and Draco.
Draco groaned and looked down to see Harry laying on top of him.

Harry shot up and jumped to his feet.
Draco couldn't help but look at Harry's weirdly enough amazing big arse.

"You prat!"
Harry jumped onto Ron who laughed.
"I didn't mean to mate!" "Die you Weasley!" Ron laughed harder as Harry kept yelling at him.

"Have you ever noticed how big Potters arse was?" Draco looked at Blaise. "Oh good I wasn't the only one staring." "Well you got the whole view." Draco smirked.
"Let's go before our parents get impatient." Draco nodded and followed Blaise but not before getting one more look at Harry's arse that swayed with his movements.

"Harry dear are you coming with us?" Harry looked at Molly. "Yeah.. well I was hoping to." Molly smiled. "Our door will always be open to you Harry." Harry returned the smile.

Ginny blushed and looked away shyly.

Harry was a year younger than Ginny but that didn't stop her from having a massive crush on him, especially after he saved her from the chamber of secrets.

"Ginny you seem a little red." "Shut up Fred, George!" They chuckled and wiggled their eyebrows. Ginnys blush deepened and Harry raised an eyebrow.
He placed the back of his hand on her forehead and Ginny felt like fainting.

"You don't have a fever... why are you so red?" "I-it's nothing!" Ginny slammed her diary into Harry's face.

"...mate are you alright?" Ginny retreated her book back to her chest.
Harry's glasses fell into his hands.
"I'm fine.. my glasses just broke." Molly frowned. "I'm sorry dear. Do you have any other pair?" "No but I can wear my Quidditch goggles until I get money to buy another pair." Ginny felt guilt rise in her stomach.

"I-Im sorry." Harry looked up. "No it's fine Hermione breaks my glasses all the time." Harry waved a hand in dismissal.
"Well let's get going. Arthur is probably home by now."

Everyone nodded and Harry squinted as they walked before someone tripped him.
Harry held his arms out but a hand wrapped around his waist, holding him up.

"What do you think your doing walking around blinded?" Harry looked up and saw blonde. "My glasses broke." "You just got off of the train." "Ginny smashed a book in my face."

The person helped Harry stand straight.

"Don't you have back up pairs?" "Hermione broke them over the year." The person sighed. "Where is your family?" "I'm going with the Weasleys which are.." "At the fireplace." "Well it must be nice to see." Harry crossed his arms in annoyance.

"We have to go." "I'll be right back father."

"Come on klutz." "I'm not a klutz! I didn't break me glasses!" "Well use your reflexes." Harry rolled his eyes and felt the persons large and strong hand slide onto his lower back.

As they walked the person helping Harry put Harry in front of him and held his hips.

"Watch out for people Harry Potter." "Oh wow someone knows my name." "That's funny." "I'm serious."
"Oh! Harry there you are!"

Harry felt as the warmth of the persons hands left but were quickly replaced with Molly's arms going around his neck.

"Oh I was scared we lost you." "No someone helped me." "Who mate?" "I don't know. They didn't say their name but I know their a student at Hogwarts." "Well just ask the entire school if they helped you." "Haha." Fred and George chuckled.
"Ok children. Floo home." "Yes ma'am."

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