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It's been a couple of days since than.
Harry had been seen hanging around the silver trio a lot more and all three of them kept Harry and his big mouth in check.

Hermione and Charles found it weird since Draco and Harry were enemies and the other two hadn't seemed to give to fucks about Harry Potter, the useless Potter.

Draco covered Harry's mouth when he was about to make a smart ass comment to Professor McGonagall and she was grateful about it.
All of the teachers had been informed about the accident but never expect Harry to be so talkative.
Sure Harry seemed to have had a lot on his mind but it seemed to just be more smart remarks.

"Maybe we should put duck tap over your mouth." Harry took Dracos hand off of his mouth. "You wouldn't be able to kiss me that way." Draco went flustered and Harry smirked. "You can die by my wand." "Which one?" "Oh my god." Harry chuckled and let go of Dracos hand.

"..Is it just me or is Harry a flirt when it comes to Malfoy?" Blaise looked at Ron. "Nope. Everyday it's the same thing and Draco feeds right into it."
"Really?.. Does he blush?" Blaise smirked. "That's why I stay around to watch Harry flirt with him." Ron smirked. "Damn I'm jealous." Blaise chuckled.
They continued to watch as Harry made Draco embarrassed and flustered intentionally or not.

Soon it was broom flying lessons which meant Harry and the others had Lily Evans neé Potter.

She walked over and looked at all of her students.

"You know what to do!"
Lily's broom flew into her hand and she gripped it tightly.

Harry and the others followed with the simple word "up" for the younger years.

"You will be racing! The person on your right is who you will race!"
Harry looked over and smirked when he saw Ron. "Ready to lose mate?" Ron laughed. "You wish mate." They smiled.

Draco landed with Pansy following.

"That's not fair! Your a seeker!" Draco smirked. "Winnings winning."

Ron and Harry stood on each side of Lily and mounted.
Before Lily could try and sabotage Harry, he was off.

Lily had never seen Harry fly.
She rarely showed up to Gryffindor games since Charles was kicked off the team for violent behavior.

Lily's eyes widened.
She had only one feeling, shock.

Harry was just like James.
He was fast and swift. It didn't matter that they were using the schools old brooms, Harry was going at least 60 miles per hour on a broom that was only supposed to go 40.

"Potter has a game soon right?" Lily looked over to see some Slytherins talking. "Huh? Yeah Slytherin vs. Gryffindor. I honestly can't wait our houses games are always so eventful." "Especially with Draco and Potter going up against one another."

"Wait when's the game again?" "Fuck off Gryffindor we weren't talking to you." She rolled her eyes and asked her friend.
"Saturday." "Oh~ right!"

Harry landed and Ron followed.

"That's bullshit! I want a rematch!" Harry laughed. "I can't help it how amazing I am." "We'll see Potter."
Harry turned and smirked.
"Please I beat your arse every time." "Well this time will be different."

"Kiss!" Draco glared at Pansy who winked.
Harry rolled his eyes.
"He wishes." "I don't." "Mhm."

Harry walked away, teasing Draco by swaying his hips.

"You sure?" Blaise slid beside Draco and looked at where Draco was staring. He chuckled. "Draco!" "What?" "Dude." Blaise laughed and Draco pushed him away. "Go snog someone." "Be a man and kiss him!" Pansy cheered and the Slytherins snickered.
"Shut up all of you!"

Harry turned around and Pansy kissed his cheek. Draco broke the broom and everyone jumped.

"Dray it was a joke." Pansy looked at the broom. "That I regret doing."
"Seriously that's scary." "Oh what muscle.. can you break other stuff?" "Harry don't encourage him!" "What~? That was cool." "Oh Merlin. Harry there are times to speak and times not to." Ron flung his arm around Harry's shoulders. "These are one of those times." "We do?" "We don't." Harry shrugged. "It's not like he's gonna break me." "Yeah but he may do something else." The two looked behind to see Blaise wiggling his eyebrows.
"Oh shove off Zabini." "But you wouldn't care would you?" "No. I really wouldn't."

Everyone laughed while Harry blushed in embarrassment.

"Sometimes I love this potion!" Blaise laughed. "Shut up Zabini!"
Draco smirked and lifted Harry's chin.

"Would you mind repeating that I couldn't hear." "I would mind repeating it. That was extremely embarrassing Malfoy." "Ah but I didn't hear it fully." "Well to bad."
Draco gripped Harry's arse and he jumped.

"Die by my wand." "You'll die by my stick first." The Slyhterins cheered as the Gryffindors laughed at Harry's rosy cheeks.

"I'll kill you!" "Oh please do."
Draco smirked and got in Harry's face.
"You aren't the only one who can make flirtatious remarks Potter." "Whatever." Harry turned around and crossed his arms.

Charles Potters Younger BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now