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"Don't leave me~."
Harry chuckled as Draco leaned on him.

Blaise shook his head and kissed Ron.

"Harry are you coming home with me?" Harry nodded. "No he's going with me." Draco pouted and Harry looked up at him, amused.
"Your father doesn't like me~." "Don't sing that and it doesn't matter." Harry chuckled. "How about owling. If anything happens to you just send a letter. I'll run." Draco chuckled. "Fine I'll be waiting since my heart will be broken by the first day." Harry rolled his eyes and Draco kissed him.

Both looked over to see an impatiently waiting Lucius. Draco stood straight.

He went to walk to his father but Harry gripping his hand, stopping him.

"I'm serious Draco. If anything happens just owl." "I know." Draco kissed him and let Harry's hand go.

"Oh my god." Harry looked to see Ron and the twins. "I don't know why but that was incredibly sad." Harry's eye twitched than he burst out laughing.
"Come on we can't make Arthur wait all day." Ron chuckled.
"Harry I never knew you could be protective over Malfoy." "What do you mean?" ".."If anything happens just owl.." tell me you didn't say that." "I did but I'm just making sure he's fine. My family may be neglecting me but Dracos has some crazy shit going on."

The four looked over to see Lily. She smiled and Harry felt sick.

"Do you need something?" "... Well James and I were wondering if you'd like to come home with us."
Harry went to tell her off but his name being called stopped him.

"Harry dear! Oh it's so good to see your glasses aren't broken." Molly hugged him and he smiled.

Lily felt sick.
She watched as Molly cupped Harry's cheeks and created him as if he were her own.

"Your coming over right? Oh dear thank you! I heard you told Dumbledore to send a letter." Harry smiled. "I'm just glad he's safe. I was really scared." Molly nodded.
"Well let's go. Ginny!"

Ginny pushed passed Lily and Lily watched as Ginny blushed and smiled shyly at Harry.

"Harry are-are you s-staying over a-again?" Harry nodded. "Yeah. I love staying at your guys house."
"Really?" "Ron shut up." Ron chuckled and flung an arm around Harry's shoulder. "We have business to attend to!" Harry and the twins whooped and ran to the fireplace with their trunks.

Molly turned and stiffened when she noticed Lily had been there.

"Oh Lily aren't you supposed to be with James and Charles?" "Well I was going to ask Harry if he wanted to come with us.. ya know this summer."

Molly was shocked. Everyone in the Order of the Phoenix knew what James and Lily did and almost all of them despised them for it. Even Sirius and Lupin hated them for it and they were once amazing friends with them.

"You.. you don't care for him than suddenly do?!" Lily flinched at Molly's tone. "Listen here Lily Potter. Harry might be your youngest son but he will never be your son! You gave birth to him than threw him to those.. those Dursley's! They were horrid to Harry and you didn't even bother to check up on him! You are no mother to Harry and will never be!"
Molly walked away and Lily felt like she was just hit with a truck.

"Oh and Lily." Lily looked over her shoulder. "Just because Harry plays quidditch like that husband of yours does not mean you can now treat him like the son you wanted."
"Molly!" They looked to see Harry. "Something wrong we're waiting." Molly smiled and patted Harry's cheek. "Nothing wrong dear. Let's go." Harry nodded and walked behind Molly.

Lily clenched her robes.
Charles was her perfect child... so why? Why would she want an omega to step foot in her house? And of her own will?

Charles Potters Younger BrotherUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum