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Harry. Harry Potter was currently sleeping under a tree. What tree? The one beside the black lake. A book over his face and hands behind his head.

Draco walked up and pinched his nose.
It was as if Harry could fall asleep anywhere at any time.

"Love wake up."
Draco crouched and shook Harry lightly.
"Baby." Harry groaned. "What?" Draco took the book off of Harry's face. "Love it's almost dinner and I've been looking all over for you." "I was reading." "Before sleeping?" "Yeah." Draco shook his head.
"Come on love." Harry got up with Draco helping. "Woah." Draco smirked.

Harry caught his balance and took his book.

"Why'd you wake me up again?" "Because dinners soon." "Really which dinner?" Harry gripped Dracos groin and he grunted. "Dinner dinner... with desert later." Harry smirked and Draco kissed him.
"I think your getting a little to horny." "Horny? Is it so bad to want my boyfriend?" "Yes because it's getting harder to not mark you." "Oh sexy." Draco growled into Harry's ear and nipped it before walking away.

"Oh boo!" Draco chuckled.
Harry ran up and tangled his fingers with Dracos.
"I think your just being an arse because I was one to you." "Your still an arse. Remember just yesterday when you teased me in potions?" Harry smirked. "Or a few days ago when you got me thinking you'd give a blow job." "Yes that was funny." "I got you back for it later that day though." Draco smirked. "Shoving your cock into my throat is not "getting me back"." Draco rolled his eyes. "Yet you still sucked." "You wouldn't let me go any other way." Dracos smirk widened.

They got to the Great Hall and Draco smacked Harry's arse before walking to Slytherins table. Harry rolled his eyes and sat with Ron.

"Where were you?" "Sleeping under the tree beside the dark lake." "And Malfoy found you?" Harry nodded. "I'm surprised usually no one finds you there." "I know. I slept on the Astronomy roof and he found me there too." "And by the whopping willow?" Harry nodded. "Damn he's good." "I know and it kinda pisses me off." Ron chuckled.

Charles glared at his younger brother who was eating chicken.

"Why do you hate Harry?" Charles looked at Hermione. "Why are you still here?" Hermione looked away.
"I hate him because he's here." Hermione looked at Charles. "When Harry Potter was announced he became the center of attention... Draco even tried to get Harry as a friend." Charles clenched his knife. "But he declined and that just made others more interested in Harry Potter. If he wouldn't have came here than I'd be the one everyone looked at. Ron would still be trying to become my friend and so would you." Hermione clenched her skirt. "I'm still trying." "You want to be my mate.. not my friend."
"There's one flaw in your plan." They looked behind them to see Snape. "And what is that Professor?" "The more you make people search for approval from you the more they'll lose interest. That's why when Potter accepted Ron and Hermione they became his friends... but that isn't enough for some." Snape glanced at Hermione. "Some are hungry for the special and popular ones, not the people who will beat others and have anger issues." Hermione looked away.

Hermione knew Snape was talking about her and that hurt. She missed Harry but wanted Charles. She still let Charles use her, Hermione was now far from a virgin and she hated it but wanted a mate and a dominant alpha.
But Harry has a dominant alpha. Harry was dating Draco Malfoy, his old enemy and a strong dominant alpha. One others feared and some took as a friend.
Draco treated Harry like he was royalty and the only person in his eyes. You could almost see the love Draco held for Harry.

Hermione looked at the Slytherin table to see Draco glancing at Harry who was messing around with Ron.

"No you have to drink it." "But it's rum." Ron chuckled. "It's a dare mate." "Oh god."
Ron laughed when Harry shot it.

Harry shook his head.

"Oof. Butterbeer is for me." Ron almost fell out of his seat. "Ok two more." "I can't do two more." Ron chuckled and turned Harry's pumpkin juice.

Blaise raised an eyebrow and walked over with Draco following.

"What's up with Potter?" "Hey~!" Blaise chuckled and Harry stumbled. Ron caught him and chuckled.
"So... what happened?" "Well I dared Harry to take some shots of rum... you can see how high his tolerance is." Harry laughed and Ron sighed. "Ok come here dumbass." "Hey~ you dating anyone your hot~." Blaise laughed and Draco picked Harry up. "Oh your strong." "Oh my god!"
"Oh my god~!" Ron held Blaise up from falling while Draco shook his head.
"I am dating someone." "Really who? Imma kick their arse!"
Draco chuckled.
"Blaise stop laughing and come on."

Hermione watched as Draco carried a drunk Harry and the other two followed, Blaises arm flung over Ron's shoulders as he continued to laugh.

Draco closed his door.

"Hey~ who you dating~? Ya know I am lots better." "I'm dating Harry Potter." "That sounds like a hobos name." Draco snorted. "Baby. Baby listen to me." "Hm?" Harry's eyes widened and Draco chuckled. "Love you are who I am dating." "Me?" "Yeah." "No~. I'm not pretty." "Your right your gorgeous." "You say that to everyone~!"
Harry stretched his arms wide and Draco smirked.
"Want me to prove that?" "Yeah yeah!" Dracos smirk widened.

He kissed Harry and Harry kissed him back.

Charles Potters Younger BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now