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A knock came to the door and Molly walked up, opening it.

"Dumbledore.. what a surprise." Dumbledore face his grandfatherly smile. "I would like to talk to Harry if that's alright." "Oh of course he's just messing around with the boys.. their in the field." Dumbledore nodded and began to walk that way.

"Oh you suck!" "It's just because we're going up against two seekers."
Harry laughed and landed beside Ron.
"Oh Ron it doesn't matter." "You have the best broom here!" Harry chuckled.

"Get up here losers!" Ron and Harry kicked off, Harry hitting Dracos arm.
"I'm not a loser." "Your right, your cute." Harry rolled his eyes. "Your such a flirt."

Everyone looked down to see Dumbledore.

"Professor?" They dismounted and Harry walked up to Dumbledore. "Is something wrong?" "Well Molly had sent a letter on the behalf of you saying that your scar has been hurting." Harry shot Ron a look.
"Hey I didn't do anything." The twins smirked. "Yeah we did." Harry rolled his eyes. "Professor it's nothing." "Yes but I'm sure your wondering why."

"Harry how about we talk somewhere more private." Dumbledore glanced at the others who grumbled. Harry chuckled.
"Sure Professor." "Can we ride your broom while?!" Harry rolled his eyes. "Break my broom I break you." "Yeah I know."

Ron cheered as Harry and Dumbledore walked off.

"My boy.. I would like you to do something for me." "What would that be Professor?" "The horcruxes. We have talked about them before and you had come with me for the unfortunately fake locket." Harry nodded. "I'd like you, Draco and Ron to go find them."
Harry stopped and Dumbledore looked back at him.
"Shouldn't you be sending Charles? He's the one who's supposed to kill Voldemort." "I would but you are connected to Voldemort in a way others aren't." Harry raised an eyebrow. "That scar." Dumbledore swept his thumb over the lightning scar. "The night before Lily and James gave you to the Dursley's was the night you killed Voldemort."

Harry's breathed hitched.

"Professor no disrespect but.. I don't want the role of the hero." "And you don't have to." "Destroy the other 6 horcruxes and Charles will kill Voldemort. When he kills Voldemort he will be the one named the hero." Harry sighed.
"When?" "Just before school... though if Draco does go to Hogwarts.. than I will die." "Professor I know he has that mission and I know you know he's a death eater but saying Draco would kill you." "He will not kill me. Snape has informed me he has made a seal with Narcissa." "The seal to protect Draco no matter what right?" Dumbledore nodded. "Yes. I will die by the poison or by Snapes wand." Harry nodded. "So if Draco doesn't go to school you die by Snapes wand. If Draco does go to school you die by Snapes wand." "Correct." "... The Ravenclaw Diadem is in the requirement room.. it's been lost for centuries though Professor." "That scar is your key to find the horcruxes." "Look Professor I know what your saying but I can absolutely not do this mission."
Dumbledore nodded and walked away.

Harry walked into the clearly again and Draco dismounted.

"What did he want to talk to you about?" "Ron you and I are going to find the horcruxes.. well if your up to come." "I'll go with you anywhere." Harry smiled and Ron dismounted.
"We're doing what?" "Finding horcruxes." Ron groaned. "Charles is the hero here." "Yeah but he doesn't have a tie to Voldemort. He can't find out where the horcruxes are... we have experience with them." Ron grumbled. "Does that mean we get to ditch a whole year of school?" Harry nodded.
"... Ok maybe this isn't so bad." Harry chuckled.

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