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"I'm gonna kill you." Draco sighed and continued to watch the two week old couple.

They watched as Charles and Hermione continued to be lovey dovey.

"Snape.. why aren't you doing anything?" Snape rolled his eyes. "I would... but I'm afraid of Charles father." "Your scared of someone?" "Malfoy shut up." Draco rolled his eyes.
"It disgusts me seeing them like that." "Yeah why'd you help Charles again?" "For free butterbeer." "Was it worth it I hope so." Draco looked at Harry, hearing the silent threat. "Shut up. He always rambles about how Harry did this and Harry did that." "Well tell him to grow up he's 15 for merlins sake!" Draco grumbled.

"Do your work I already have to annoying students not doing theirs." Harry sighed and looked at Hermione.
"She's such a moron." "She's the smartest in 5th year." "She's a moron." Harry jabbed his thumb in the bushy haired girls direction. "Yeah well so is Charles." "That's because he's the golden boy he gets everything he wants." Draco smirked in amusement at Harry's angry rambling. "What? Jealous?" "Why the fuck would I be jealous?!" "You seem to care." "I care he's going to hurt my best friend!"

Harry stood and went to get ingredients.

"We should do the potion Charles." "Mk." He kissed her again and again.

Water spilt over Charles and he whipped his head to see Ron talking to Harry. He glared.

"Charles are you ok?" "I'm fine."

"I can't believe you did that mate." "He's pissing me off." "Obviously." Ron sighed and walked back to his shared desk with Blaise.
Harry walked passed them and Charles stuck his foot out. Harry tripped and caught the bowl... but his face got the punishment.

"Oh my god Harry!" "Babe he's fine." Hermione knelt down and helped Harry up.
"Tilt your head." Hermione took the bowl and put it on the desk before picking up Harry's broken glasses. She sighed.

"Professor can I take him to Madam Pomfrey?" "Hermione it's fine."
Harry took the glasses and sat down carefully. Hermione sighed and handed him a tissue.

"Don't be so reckless." Harry nodded and Charles smirked.

Hermione walked back to Charles who smiled as if nothing happened.

"He'll die." Draco moved away from Harry.

Draco had once dealt with a truly pissed off Harry and he never wanted to experience it again. Being in the hospital wing for a week was not worth the 5 second laugh.

Harry lifted his glasses and squinted.
"Fuck." "Language!" Harry held his hand up as an apology. "You have another pair." "I know."


Another pair appeared in Harry's hand and Charles glared.
Harry put them on and wiped the rest of his bloody nose.

Draco and him worked on the potion but Draco still kept his distance just in case Charles pushed Harry over the edge.

Charles Potters Younger BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now