Dating Start...?

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You blinked at the group of humans before you.

You all had just set up for moving night, chilling, snacks on the coffee table that had been moved a bit away so some could lean on the couch while sitting on the floor. You were in a baggy button up and stockings resting on the couch with Red when the others came in setting the drinks and snacks down. Sans picked a movie and you had started.

But after the first movie, Blue was going to pick but no one actually moved.

"Uh.. guys?" You questioned softly, their heads turned to you, it was sorta creepy.

"hey doll, we need to talk." Red rasped as the others shifted.

"We've been talking... thinking to about..." Green starts but isn't sure exactly to go about whatever it was they needed to talk about.

"Well ya see we found out that we all sorta, have a crush on ya." G spoke fro his brother.

"and we don't know how to go about it, but ya brother said to just come out and say it." Stretch puffed his vape pen a bit. The others nod in agreement.

"Oooo-k?" You raised a brow curiously, crossing one leg over the other, the velvet feel of your stockings felt so nice on your bony legs.

"Well, we wanted to all have a... sorta a chance to court ya. Ya know, take ya on dates as separate chances for you to get to know us. Then after a while you could just pick one of us. We know it is sorta, cliche, crappy and sounds out of a shitty fanfiction but, we really don't know what else to do. Or maybe you already like someone? If that's the case you can forget the whole thing." Green quickly backed down after speaking.

"Soooo, you all caught them feelings for me huh?" You question aloud. They merely nod shyly. A slight blush across their cheeks.

"Oh thank fuck it isn't just me!" You inhale sharply before puffing it out and relaxing. Their eyes shoot to you confused before blinking and gaping their mouths open, but close them, slowly processing what you said.

"Sure we can try that. Might make it easier since I doubt I'd be able to pick right off the bat who I'd want. I tend to be greedy." You smirk at them.

"YAY! I CAN'T WAIT TO TAKE YOU ON DATES!" Blue bounces on the couch next to you where he had been sat the whole movie.

"hey watch it! we need to pick who goes when and shit! take turns!" Red shouts in defense.

"Shit you're right." G remarks.

"we.. didn't think this through...." Sans snickers lazily from his beanbag next to the couch.

"I can organize it out." You shrug. "I'll make a whole schedule for the month... or any other month this is dragged out for and put it on the fridge of some shit. That way you guys will see who goes when and can make the plans or something."

They all nod.


You hum and look up at the ceiling in thought. "I can't really think of anything.. oh! No interfering in the others plans, that means no spying, or sabotaging, and if for some reason something comes up and the person for that day can't do it, I have the right to reserve a day for them and them alone." They grumble in unison but agree with nods.

"Ok goodie. I'll get the schedule up tomorrow. For now, I reeeeally wanna watch the next movie and eat my weight in food." You grab the bag of chips and bring your legs up to your chest as the next movie flashes on the screen.

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