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You just lay on the couch and mope.

It has been a few months since you ran into Sans.

And every month before you ran into the others one at a time.

It got to the point you just stayed home like a hermit and ordered what ever you needed. It was not the best life style you had, but it wasn't exactly like you hadn't done it before.

Everyone texted to check in, so you weren't exactly alone. And well...

You found some inky wingdings on the walls a few times telling you to go out and get some sun for you bones, and such.

You ignored them with a smile.

Months turned to a few years of you being a hermit and you only every went out for certain events. A few holiday parties with your friends, and attended a few government meetings with Asgore when Toriel was busy, and well... you added a new lover to your list.

While at the meeting that had lasted a week, you and Asgore hung out more since you were the only monsters besides Undyne. You two ended up sneaking away from the stuffy humans in suits and went to a tea cafe. You end up staying there for 3 hours just talking and joking. You head back to the hotel you two were staying at and you end up staying the night and getting sexually wrecked by the old king, with much pleasure.

Though Undyne was not happy that you snuck off with him, then when she came over in the morning finding you in bed with the goat king she blew a top. Asgore swore her to secrecy, to which she accepted with a grumble.

After that you and Asgore saw each other a bit more, you had nice outings and dates then bang each others brains out.

It was nice, you eventually came out as a couple to everyone and even Tori was happy for you.

Just before the recent upcoming Halloween party at Toris' Frisk had come over.

You and your friends lived in the same neighborhood, not many humans came around these parts, but the houses were nice. Frisk was in middle school so old enough to walk around like that in a neighborhood on their own.

They had came over right after school, they stated they told Tori they were stopping over so she wouldn't worry.

You sat in your living room in silence. Which, it was eating at you.

Frisk rarely wanted alone time with you.

"Heh so uh kiddo... something wrong?" You question looking them over, they nod and start to move their hands but then stop a few words in.

They look at you and sigh.

"I need to talk to you about the resets." They speak, which again, is something they just don't do often.

You blink in surprise but nod.

"Don't have them, but I am all ears."

"Do you know about mom and dads adopted child?" The ask quickly.

You blink but nod. Nearly every monster knew about the human child. That was one thing that was constant between resets.

"Chara Dreemurr was their name. Well Chara was, but.... when they died they started haunting the underground bored... when I fell... I don't know what it was exactly but they follow me, they... possessed me and I..." Their voice started to shake as they tighten their hands into fists on their lap.

You blink in concern. "Frisk.. what happened?" You ask softly, they shake and cover their face in their hands starting to sob.

"They are the reason for the resets and genocides! I couldn't stop them!" They cry out behind their hands.

You know your sockets go out as you process this information.





Frisk was possessed by the ghost of the King and Queens adopted human child and they used them to kill all the monsters... Frisk was used, the monsters toyed and played with and then they would reset and repeat it all....

"I'm so sorry I didn't say anything sooner b-but I didn't know how." They hiccup into their hands.

"It's fine kid... now I know." You sigh, pinpricks flashing back to life as you look at the sobbing child worried.

"I never wanted t-to hurt anyone!" They cry out again, you move and put your arms around them in a gentle embrace and holds them as they cry.

You go through the information.

Frisk held this in till now, you had no idea just what was going on, you only knew a fraction of it.

Just what was Charas' plan here....?

Repeat everything to see all outcomes?

Repeat just cause they feel like it?


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