Your Past

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The room was warm, you could feel a thin blanket placed over your naked form. You nuzzled into the pillow when you felt a warm hand being placed on your ecto stomach. "How do you feel, love?" A smooth voice whispered lowly as the hand rubbed your tummy. "M'fine. Might be strong enough to get up today." You cracking a socket open to see the fire elemental looking down at you with a soft smile.

"Please don't strain yourself. If you can't manage to get out of bed Fuku will be more then happy to help you around the house again today." He removed his hand from your swollen stomach and stood. "I'll be fine. I want to see everyone again." You started to sit up, Grillby moved towards you and helped you, you snorted at his action "I'm pregnant, not handicap." He rolled his eyes before leaning down to kiss your foreskull. "Just take it easy, please. I have to head down to the bar, Fuku will be home from school in a few minutes, have her help you with anything." He turned and left you alone in the room.

With a huff you swung your legs over the beds edge. You clung to the blanket that was around your form, the belly glowed brightly as you stood "Be nice to mommy today, kid." You mused down at it flinging the blanket over your shoulder and moving to the full body mirror to see your form.

You were small, your magic had formed a magic stomach that gave a soft blue glow, inside was a tiny inverted white SOUL. Your magic had run below your ribs and down your legs a bit, forming an ecto body of sorts. You remember when it first happened, you freaked out. Waking up next to Grillby with more weight to your bones, you freaked out waking the poor elemental, he was joyed to see you carrying a child of his inside you, took a few moments for his words to register but when they did you cried tears of joys.

8 months later and here you were, one month left then you get to see your child. You couldn't wait, a child, you were having a child. A first for you, ever sense resets you refused to have any meaningful relations, but you had been up on the surface for 2 years, Frisk had promised no more, that they had played out all endings to their little adventure so you trusted them and started dating Grillby, then bonded and now carrying his child. You smiled at the thought as you got dressed.

Throwing on a loose sun dress and a pastel hoodie you made your way to the kitchen for a bottle of honey mustard then headed down the stairs to the bar. Exiting the bar kitchen and into the actually bar you were greeted with Fuku, Grillbys first and so far only child. She smiled at you, she had gotten use to you being with her father, though she refused to calling your mom, which you understood and didn't mind. "Hey! How ya feel?" She looked you over "M'fine, a bit stronger toady. Thought I'd see everyone while I could." You shrugged.

Skeleton monsters used up magic to form the ecto body, it left them weak and defenseless, Grillby refused to allow you to leave the bar without him and to stay home when you didn't have anything else to do. He was so protective of you. "Well ok. Just don't over do it, call me if you need me." She waved bye heading up the stairs as you pushed the kitchen door open and were greeted with familiar faces and scents.

"Hey!" The dog guards greeted, wagging their tails as you took your stool near the counter. Grillby looked you over before smiling "How ya feeling?" Dogamy questioned as the others looked at you curiously. "' I feel good. Fatter then what I am use to, but good." You mused with a smile "How much longer?" Dogaressa asked with a head tilt "Just one more month." Her tail started to wag faster "Can't wait to see them!" Doggo mentioned with a burning dog biscuit hanging out of his muzzle "Me either, 9 months is to long for me." You laughed turning to face Grillby.

Just as you were about to tell a flirtations pun to your hot man your vision went blurry and you blacked out.

You were startled by a familiar alarm blaring next to your skull. You groaned slamming your hand down and cracking the alarm into silence, sitting up groggily you took in your surroundings. Wood walls, wood floors, a run down mattress with dirty sheets, self sustaining trash tornado in the corner, dirty hoodies and shorts on the floor next to the over flowing basket... yep, you were home... underground...

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