Bonus Chapter

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The two innocent humans sat at the table as a few others sat next to them, Red paced back and forth grumbling to himself. The others were deep in their own faults.

They just learned you are in heat. Ready to mate and have kids, but... you don't want kids.

Monsters are different then humans, you have heats to find a mate or just have loooong fuck sessions till the heat dies down.

In some cases you will have a mate and make a kid. So like animals.

But... not?

Red throw his hands in the air with a shout before slamming his palms on the table. "god damn it! why can't i wrap my head around this!?" The others flinched at his out burst, they all looked at him with annoyed expressions, some with looks just questioning his actions.

"Let's repeat what we know," Green started from the head of the table "(Y/N) is in heat, but not to have children, she just needs Sans to help her through it, that is all. No need to get over emotional about it." He made hand gestures as he talked, his eyes looking to Red when he mentioned being overly emotional and Reds' face matched his name.

"i am not being emotional!" He slammed the table again.

"chill out. i am sure we are all pretty annoyed sans got to sleep with her first." Stretchs' lazy monotone voice came from the other side of Red.

"Not only that, but according to the contract, they both consented, so it isn't like Sans is just taking advantage." G spoke next to Green.

"I'D HOPE MY BROTHER WOULDN'T DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT." Papyrus confessed disheartedly, he and Blue sat beside each other on the opposite side from where Red stood.

"HE WOULD NEVER!" Blue reassured with a smile.

"well what are we gonna do about this?" Red grumbled finally taking a spot. The others stayed silent for a moment.

"There isn't much we can do. They have a contract, though she did mention it might be to much for Sans... maybe we should wait and see what happens." Green suggested. The others whined in protest, no one wanted to wait.

They all felt the same. Mad you went to Sans for help instead of them, annoyed that Sans got to have you first, hoping Sans can't handle you and they will have to step in to help, then they felt bad about having that last thought. It was horrible, but they were greedy humans, they wanted you and they will do what they must to have you.

"WHAT ABOUT EDGE? WE NEED TO KEEP THIS FROM HIM CORRECT?" Blue questioned allowed looking everyone over, they all nodded in agreement.

"last thing we need is that dick head to try anything." Stretchs' voice was harsher then normal, but no one blamed him for being so hostile, they all felt the same way about that whole situation.

"HOW WOULD WE HELP (Y/N) IF SANS CAN'T?" Blue asked. Stretch visibly stiffened and rubbed over his face with a groan, he knew where this was going.

"you ain't gonna help bro." His voice was muffled by his hands, Blues' mouth fell agape at that and he stood, not out of anger, but out of rejection to helping a friend in need. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN'T HELP!?" He leaned over the table, his hands in fists in front of his chest, his cheeks puffed a bit and Papyrus stood too.

"WE WANT TO HELP, WHY CAN'T HE?" His tone was worry, he understood how deeply Blue wanted to help, it was his nature as well as Papyrus'. To be rejected off the bat was a sting to his heart.

"cause you two are virgins." Red stated with a huff, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair.

The two blushed lightly and sputtered out replies but couldn't manage.

"Let's be fair here, Stretch would you want your bro to lose his innocence to someone else?" G asked with a smirk, he was gonna hanve fun with this conversation.

Stretch glared at him and forced his words carefully. "i don't want him to lose it to someone that doesn't want it, he doesn't even know anything about sex."

"You haven't had the talk with him?" Green questioned to his alter counterpart, Stretch looked at the table and sighed through his nose. "no. but sans hasn't given Papyrus the talk either!" He suddenly declared.

"oh man! you two are horrible!" Red slapped a hand down on the table with a laugh. He thought he was an ass to his bro back in the day, but nah. These two are way worse. The idiots are adults, they should know what sex is at the least by now.

"Looks like we will have to do it then if you and Sans refuse to." Green scratched at his chin out of habit.

"Seriously?" G looked at his brother curiously.

"no way in hell are you giving my brother the sex talk!" Stretch growled out, he'd do it himself if he absolutely had to, though he really didn't want to.

"You might as well give it to Papyrus too while you do then." G shrugged, causing Red to laugh again and face plant the table.

"fuck! hahaha oh man i wanna listen ta that!" He sat back up covering his mouth with a hand on instinct to try and calm himself.

Stretch was not looking forward to this conversation.


"...and that's how babies are made... though i am unsure about monsters." Stretch spoke like a teacher, they had moved to the living room, the two youngest sitting on the couch listening to his lecture on how babies are created, the others would snicker any time they asked questions causing him to blush a bit, or they would add to the lecture.

They made sure he went over everything.

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