A Moment

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Edge stayed away from you for the most part again, he would talk with you at dinner but refused to use pick up lines. The others were getting worse too. They would as to hang out with you, which you said yes to for the most part, you liked hanging out with them anyway, couldn't say no. 5 months of nothing but hanging out with your humans and trying to figure out why they are being so... clingy? Touchy? No those weren't right. You knew exactly why they were like this. You were the same way with Tori and Grillby when you realized you had feelings for them, the boys even tried helping you with learning WingDings and trying to solve what the hell is with the resets. No solutions as of yet sadly, and there's the matter of them forgetting with the next reset or not.

You were currently in your room having a texting pun of with Red while he was at work. You were home alone as of now, Ash and Soot had just left. Yep they cam to visit get to know you better. It hurt like always, having to reintroduce you and pretend you didn't know Ash loved dragon lilies flowers or that Soot enjoyed nature documentaries. You made a date to hang out once more and they left.

You laid on your bed tapping away at your phone, messaging Red on and off till he had to stop and get back to work. Tossing your phone to the side you looked to the ceiling covered in glow in the dark stars, of course they weren't working, it was still day out. You lazily turned your head to the calendar on the wall, just a few more days... a few more days and your heat starts.

That dreaded day of the season, you had no idea what to do. Do you go underground and wait it out like normal? No the guys would worry, then you'd have to explain it to them, and that is NOT conversation you want to have.

'Hey guys, I'm in heat, yep horny as hell and need to be plowed into a mattress.' You scuff at the idea of the conversation as you heard the door being shut downstairs. Sans must be back from work, you sniff the air, and he has food. You quickly get dressed in a big purple button up, a few buttons left untouched and slip on your slippers and heading downstairs. You found the human sitting on the couch one paper bag on the coffee table, the other on his lap as he pulls out fries and munches away

"well if it isn't my favorite monster. i brought grillbys for dinner." He gestures to the bag on the table as you move over to sit next to him and reach for the bag. "grillbz said hi by the way." He pulls out another fry and tosses it into his mouth. "Thank you." You pull out the burger and take a bit. As delicious as ever, you let a low moan pass your teeth as you take in the flavor.

"that easy to get you to moan?" Sans chuckles as you nearly choke on the bite, swallowing it down carefully and glaring at him "easy sweetheart, just teasing." He takes out his own burger and takes a bite. "though i understand why you'd moan, grillbz is damn good with his food. like he puts his very soul into it." He takes another bite. "That's cause he does." You hummed thoughtfully pulling out a few fries as he pauses and turns to you, hesitant to take the next bite "Monsters infuse magic into their food. That's why it is healthier then human food. Magic has natural healing properties even if the monster who cooks the food doesn't know a think about healing magic." You explain as he finally takes the next bite and hums "do you have healing magic?" He asked with a raised brow.

You shook your head "No. Skeletons were more for battle magic then healing." You shrugged with no real care for the information. "oh? does that mean you're a strong monster then?" He finishes his burger and works on the fries "Would that change your perception of me?" You looked down at the burger, just a bit of fire magic was visible int he meat "no. but if you don't want to tell me, that's fine." He looked into the bag for more fries as you handed him yours "Here, almost full have mine." He took your bag before digging in for the little skinny potatoes with salt. "I am... well... not many monsters know actually but yes... I am considered what monsters call, a boss monster." Sans gaze moves back to your form with a raised brow.

Before he could voice his question you bit him to it "A boss monster has high magic levels in their attacks, and most have high levels of HP... hope. Asgore, Toriel and Even Undyne are all boss monsters, then their is me."

He looks down at the know empty bag in his hands "i get why toriel and asgore are boss monsters, and undyne was captian of the royal guard right? so that is also why... but why you? no offence, but as far as i know, you didn't do anything in the underground... at least nothing like being a guard and protecting people." He put the bag down and faced you curiously.

With a sigh you finished the burger and licked your fingers "I was the judge of the underground. Much like on the surface, I was to judge people based on their actions and pass judgment through killing them if I truly had to... Frisk... was often the only one I hurt. They killed us... I call them Genocide runs. They would reset and slaughter everyone, I didn't want to bring it up with Blue and Papyrus in the room, but that was often a possibility with the resets. They killed everyone, and just before getting to Asgores' castle I would stand before them and pass my judgment, killing them for their crimes against monsters, over and over every time they came back... until they even killed me." You noticed Sans stiffen at your words

"so you've died before?" He pocketed his hands nervously "Yes." Your voice was dull and sockets emptying. "that must have been scary... maybe even traumatizing." He spoke with a soft tone. "Not really.. it isn't as bad as you humans make it seem. One moment you are seeing the world, next just pitch black nothingness, you aren't even aware you are dead, can't move, can't speak, don't even care."

He frowned at the words "that's no way to live... well... ya know." He mumbled his hands clenching into fists. You took notice and carefully moved your own hand to his, setting it over his softly, he flinched at the touch and as you were about to pull away deeming you stepped over a line he put his other hand over yours to trap it there still not looking at you "Once we figure out how to stop the resets... ever we ever actually solve it. I wont have to go through that shit." You give him a soft smile even though he wasn't actually looking at you, he just nods. "we'll help you in anyway we can." He mumbles still holding your hand.

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