Why you Worry Fool

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I seriously can't pay attention when I am sick -_-


"Hey Grilbz." You waved at the fire man as you took your usual stool at the counter. He nodded at you before attending to a few monsters before making his way to you with a bottle of honey mustard "You are wearing glasses again." He mentions as you blush "Oh... uh yeah... some friends I should give in an just wear them..." He hums in acknowledgement "The look suits you. What would you like this time?" He looked you over, "Hmmm burger today please." You poured some honey mustard into your mouth as he nods and heads to the back.

It had been a few days since the reset, you had done your normal routine but avoided Grillby for a bit, you couldn't look at him knowing his happy life with a human was taken from him. But over a few days you had a pep talk with yourself, having to get out of the house you shuffled back to the bar. Though you couldn't help feel watched the whole time, you could still hear wingdings, and even sometimes find them written on the walls of your house in a black goop, sorta like ink but not. It freaked you out but you couldn't understand them, you never learned the font now when you get back to the surface you're gonna have to, just in case.


You walked through the forest right on time for your joke off with Tori, you knock on the door but no response... maybe she is running late. So you wait a few, then an hour still no reply... with a sigh you left not wanting to deal with this anymore you headed home. It was another genocide, you no longer cared to deal with it. Knowing the results dulled you to even trying, not like you had anything left to lose. You just cuddled up in bed while the monsters were slaughtered, you really had given up on genocides, no use fighting it, and you hated the feeling of dying and turning to dust, oh yeah you felt that shit. Felt your body literally shattering to tiny grains of dust before finally losing consciousness and meeting pure blackness.

As you entered the room you were met with wingdings everywhere, they always came back after cleaning them, they rain down your walls and pooled at the floor, you sighed as your phone buzzed just before you could clean.




"What do you mean? Wait! You remember me!?"

"yeah?? why what's going on!? no one remembers monsters Ash and Soot don't remember you either!" He was frantic with worry which was odd for him.

"Calm down... it's uh... it's a long story, when we resurface I'll meet up with you and tell ya. Just stay put and try not to think of it, I'm safe... just focus on life." You try to calm him.

"but where are you?" You heard voices in the background.

"Back underground. So it' might be a few months till we're back up top... just wait k." You hung up before he could say anything. They remembered... did being underground when a reset hit trigger them to remember? No that's to stupid of a thought. You grabbed a bucket and filled it before grabbing the soap and tossing your jacket to the side, rolling up your sleeves and getting to cleaning the mess.

You didn't leave your house through the reset, didn't even teleport anywhere while the kid was around. Woke up, cleaned of the wingdings and chilled reading books, Alphys and Undyne tried to contact you but you ignored them, not wanting anything to do with this reset. They probably thought you were dead by now anyway. Just as you went to stand you watched as the world darkened before going black completely. You floated in the darkness before feeling yourself dissolve into nothing, it was like being killed over and over, you felt it all over till you lost your consciousness.


bzzt bzzt bzzt bzzt

Waking with a jolt you shut your alarm off with a slam and groaned. You hated this loop with everything in your body... bones. Groaning you sit up and toss the blanket off you, what they hell was that blackness? That was the first time you actually didn't get involved in a genocide..... does that happen all the time?

You head down stairs to see more wingdings again, this was a new normal you suppose, you clean the off and head out. Everything was back to normal as you thought.


Months pass before you and the others resurface. Sans and the others would message you on and off trying to ask you questions, demanding answers, even Edge messaged and ordered you to spill but you always refused. Once monsters were legal citizens and everything was set to move them into the city you requested moving in with Sans again, to which he said that was your obvious and only choice. You moved in while everyone was at work and chilled on the couch waiting for them to return., you had picked up a few books on wingdings and started to learn for later. As you sipped some coffee the door opened and you were met with Red, Stretch and Green.

They had paused looking you over as you read "you're finally back!" Red shouted as you jumped at his sudden loud voice looking at them "Oh.. hey guys." You waved lazily as they shut the door and walked over to you, all of them had relieve written on their faces as they sat down. "The others should be getting off work in an hour or so, we should cook dinner while we wait." Green suggested as you nodded "Sounds good." You stood and followed him into the kitchen to help, Red watched and made comments as Stretch sat at the table doing the same. They didn't question what happened, knowing full well you would tell them anyway. Turns out G and Green moved into the city and visited often since you disappeared. You all waited for the others to pool in, as dinner was finished they entered the house before pausing to see you, relief and tears of joy graced their features as Blue and Papyrus tackled you into a hug.

"WE WERE SO WORRIED!" They cried into your shoulder as you pat their shoulders and laughed "Yeah sorry..."

"Boys, how about we eat dinner then we can let her explain." Green tried to get them off you.

They nodded and moved to sit, once everyone was at the table you began to eat, catching up with them as they tried to pry into your life during the reset, obvious curiosity and worry laced their voices, wanting so badly to know.

Once dinner was finished Blue and Papys did the dishes in a flash before sitting in the living room looking at you intently. Are you really going to confess your secret knowledge to them... yes... yes you were.

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