Shut Down the Pick up Lines

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Gonna let the poll go one for a few more hours but enjoy this chapter while you wait.


You slept beautifully that night after getting all those lovely dick pics. Had to rub one out but still was nice and relaxing. You managed to sleep for 10 hours, at they let you. Which was odd most times Paps or Blue wake you up for breakfast, were they still asleep? No they couldn't be, they fell asleep long before you or the others, they should be up by now. You mind fully curious and awake you sat up and stretched, your spine cracking as you did so and a soft hum left your mouth as you stood. Sliding into your slippers and tossing your giant hoodie one, you deemed it an ultimate lazy day which meant... no pants. Sure the boys will love that after last night. Stars did you start a war?

You left your room to smell bacon and eggs being cooked,You turned into the kitchen to find Red, fucking Red standing over the oven cooking eggs and bacon, were you dreaming? This was a dream right? Gotta be. "Are you sick?" You stepped into the kitchen and moved to the table, Red jumped at your sudden voice and turned to look at you with his infamous lazy grin "oh hey sweetheart, sleep well?" Completely ignoring your jab at him being sick he turned back to the bacon. "Uh... yeah I slept well... you?" Was he not going to bring it up?

"good to hear. thought you might be bonely after that picture you sent me." Oh fuck he did bring it up. You flushed and looked down at the table as he chuckles "so, how'd you like mine?" Did he seriously ask what you thought about his dick? You started playing with the hem of your hoodie shyly "It was..." Shit, compliment and build his ego or...? "Human dicks are odd..." Fuck sake!

Red paused from moving the bacon tot he plate and turned to look at you "what ya mean?" His eyes were narrowed but he didn't seem mad, just curious. "What were those things running along it, under your skin?" That was a pure innocent question but Reds' eyes sparkled and his face was covered in a dark shade of red that fit his name as he looked at you before looking away and laughing again "fuck you are to innocent sometimes." He shakes his head before plating the rest of the bacon and eggs and puts it on the table near you before grabbing two more plates, handing one to you and started to pile his plate with the food.

"I was just curious damn. What is it though?" You pile bacon onto the plate before starting to munch on it "veins sweetheart, blood vessels under my skin to keep me alive." You tilt your head and nod "I read about those, they connect to your heart right? That thingy in your chest that sounds funny if you listen to it." You stabbed an egg with your fork as he nodded "yeah, the thingy in my chest."


After breakfast you helped clean up just as Blue stumbled into the kitchen rubbing his eyes clear of the sleep with the back of his gloved hand and yawning "Hey sleepy head." You muse as he looks at you with tired eyes, he smiles instantly "HI MISS MONSTER!" He greets happily before taking some left over bacon from the plate "How'd ya sleep?" You finished the dishes and drain the sink as he crunches the bacon "I SLEPT WELL THANK YOU FOR ASKING! WHAT ABOUT YOU?" He moved to sit at the table "I sleep well too." You dry your hands before turning to him. "I AM GLAD TO HEAR IT." He smiles before finishing his bacon.

Just as you turned and left the kitchen their was a knock on the door "get that for me sweetheart, I'm lazy." Red spoke from his spot on the couch, doing as your told you answer to find the other two humans from across the street. "Oh hey doll face." G greets walking passed you with a smirk as Green waves at you "Hello." You move for the much taller human to walk in, he thanks you as you close the door. "I was planing to be lazy now I have to put on pants damn it!" You grumble heading to the stairs "Think I prefer you with your pants off, in all honesty." G leans over your shoulder and wraps a hand around your waist to hold you in place, your face instantly flushes and you cover your face and whine as the human next to you chuckles at your shy form.

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