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"Don't trust human candy! It turns your teeth colors!" You exclaim as Gaster flips some pancakes with a chuckle. You were telling him more about the surface, currently on various human candies. "What color did your teeth change to?" He mused.

"Blue, it even dyed my tongue!" You yelled sipping your honey mustard.

You had nearly cried again when you woke up this morning to your brother cuddling you. "I honestly would love to try human candy." He remarked as you huffed through your nose cavity.

He placed the pancakes on a plate and set it on the table, turning to grab the syrup from the fridge. "Also, there is something I need to talk to you about." He closed the door and sat down looking you over as you poured the honey mustard over the pancakes.

"Huh?" You blacked out when you saw how yummy the pancakes were, lifting your gaze to him and blinking he deadpans at you.

"You are disgusting."

"Ya know you looove me~" You chuckled and grabbed the fork.

"Yes, but still. Remember how you said you dated Grillby in other timelines?" He grabbed his own fork.

You raised a brow but nodded. "Yes?"

"Wel-" There was a knock at the door, Gaster stands "One moment." He walked over to it, you turned your body to see who it was, technically it was early, who would be up right now?

The door opens to show Grillby himself, speak of the devil.

"Hello dear." Gaster greats and moves to let him in.


The door is closed once Grillby is in, they share a look before leaning in and kissing each other.

You let out a started gasp "What!?"

They stiffen, having forgotten you are even there they look at you shyly. "I was trying to tell you, I will explain in a moment." He turns back to Grillby "Dearest you look exhausted, did you sleep well?"

"I did, but Fuku woke me up early because she forgot to do her homework." The elemental sighs.

"Go rest on the couch,I will bring you breakfast." Gaster rubs his side gently.

"Is it you?~"

Grillby you sly dog!

Gasters' face erupts in purple and he stutters out "N-No! I-I mean i-if.... JUST GO SIT DOWN!" He storms back to the table as Grillby does as told with a chuckle.

Your mind blacked out as you looked at your brother.

"As I was about to say." He sighed making another plate "In this... timeline, Grillby and I are together." He poured the syrup and headed to the living room to let you take in that information.






Your bro is gay!?

Your bro is with hotmen!?

Well.. technically monsters aren't gay, they go for who they want to, but still!

You looked at the two from the corner of your socket, they were cuddling as they ate... ok... that was cute.

You sighed and went back to eating. You would let it slide, they looked happy... and if Grillby was going to be happy with anyone, least it was your bro.

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

It's been months since the last reset, no sign of the kid either. You've been going about like normal. Station to station, pun after pun, but now you are going to the lab to help Alphys and Dingbat with whatever and trying to see what you can do about the resets.

Role ReversalWhere stories live. Discover now