Grillby and Tori (Memories)

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The fire elemental went about his day, clean around his house before going down and opening the bar, on que the monsters flooded in and he greeted them, took their orders with care and watched for any trouble. Though everyone was always well behaved. He noticed everyone, Doggo, Greater and Lesser Dog, Annoying dog, all playing cards to his left of the bar, then Dogma and Dogaressa getting all snug in a booth near the door, a few other monsters talking and enjoying the peaceful vibe.

Everything was well in the bar till hear the bell ring signalling another customer, that was odd. He rarely got new once, his regulars were here and monsters from the other parts of the underground don't leave their side to much, spcially not for a lowly bar in Snowdin. To much travel even in such a small living space. He lifted his gaze from the beer mug he was cleaning to spot a... skeleton.

That was highly odd, he thought they were all extinct. But.. something told him he has seen a skeleton before.. he couldn't put his finger on it though, as if the memory had been tampered with.

❍♏❍□❒⍓ ■□⧫ ♐□◆■♎

He shook his head and watched as they walked over to the bar and took a stool a little bit away from the two bunnies gossiping over Mettaton. He took in the skeletons appearance, much shorter than him. Pure white bones with no signs of a cracks, deep black sockets with little balls of light taking in the world, a big fluffy sweater with a hood that went to their thighs, it was black with a cartoon character of sorts on it, must have been from the dump, it wasn't a monster created character, it seemed made of ink. black basketball shorts underneath with a violet purple line on the sides and pastel blue slippers, they took the stool and waited patiently.

He moved over and greeted them, they looked up with a tilt of their head.

"You got honey mustard? A burger too, please." Their voice was soft but held an emotion he couldn't place. Sorrow? Melancholy?

Is that even an emotion? The elemental nodded and headed to the back without hesitation.

Not even questioning why her drink of choice was Honey Mustard. But thankfully he had a supply of it.

Stepping back out and handing her the drink she gave a soft thanks and opened it taking a swig as he headed back to work on her burger.

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

You didn't know why you choose to go to Grillbys' he wouldn't remember you anyway.

It seems when you brother... vanished, all memory was wiped from existence. That included you, no one remembered the odd living skeleton monster that somehow survived after the war that suddenly showed up in Snowdin even though she had been living there for fuck knows how long.

Damn you needed a drink.

Your slippers made thumping sounds in the snow as you walked over to the LED lit bar, you hesitated for a moment.

You hadn't been in her for months. You had showed yourself half a year back and that was when you realized no one remembered you, they were shocked as stated before, that a skeleton monster was among them.

Word spread fast and you were summoned to King Asgore himself, questioned over tea of where you had been hiding. You lied and said the ruins and moved to snowdin for a change of scenery. Though you never set foot near or in the ruins. The lovable doof believed you and you were on your way.

But here you were now... outside your romantic interest establishment... Stars you remembered when Dingbat introduce you to him, that was horrible, you made a full of yourself. Floundering about like a fish out of water couldn't stutter out a fucking pun to save your life. You eventually just face planted the counter and that was where you stayed for the rest of the night till you and Wingslap went home...


You missed him... you shouldn't call your only brother names.. but it was a habit out of good nature. He knew you loved him... but did he know that till the very end?

You stepped into the bar with a force of courage and were suddenly wrapped in a blanket of warmth and peace. The two best things about this place that you loved... minus the bartender. You trekked over and took your stool that was thankfully empty and dreaded looking at the flame man.

You looked up but your head started to turn but you stopped it so it looked more like a head tilt you bored into his little lights that were his eyes and fought the blush and forced your voice out. "You got honey mustard? A burger too, please."

Shit was your voice to soft? Did he even hear you?

He nodded and headed to the back.

You let out a shaky exhale and fought off your nerves to just bolt.

Being served your food and drink you chilled at the bar staring at your plate as you ate. You made very, very, small talk with him to where you felt semi comfy around him again and your nerves had left.

You felt nearly back to normal and your feelings started to show up again, ended up showing up everyday and got to start up a tab that you never paid back.

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

The first time you met her, was before the first reset.

Frisk had made it to Asgore, and everyone literally showed up in support to stop the fight, that's when you saw her.

You had been rejected by Grillby for a bunny monster and you suppose it was a coping mechanic of sorts, but when you saw her.

Fuck your soul burned.

Queen Toriel Dreemurr.

A gorgeous curvy goat with fire red eyes and so much kindness she was to sweet for your own teeth. The kids adopted mother. And when you met... your first pun.

You shook hands and the first thing from your mouth like a dumbass "Ice to meet ya, name's (Y/N) I live in Snowdin."

Kinda fucking greeting is that!?

But the way her lips quivered before she burst out laughing then snorting, fuck it was adorable. She was perfect.

You got close after that, become so close you ended up married, bonded and she was carrying your kid.

You loved this monster with everything you were... but like everything.

It came to an end with the first reset.

You went too the ruins door after that and cracked shitty knock knock jokes to it wishing, hoping for a reply. Till one day, it finally happened.

"Knock knock..."

"Who's there?"







"Chilling who?"

"Chillin out here."

She giggled that sweet musical giggle and you leaned your forehead on the door as a means of getting close... your soul called out for hers but you knew she wouldn't remember.

But even so, this was nice. Exchanging jokes and puns everyday. Made that damn promise to not hurt the kid... course ya broke it. She wouldn't know.

But you always loved her, just like you loved Grillby over and over.

They were everything to you.

They always were there.

No matter the reset.

No matter if they remembered or not.

They were there.

Role ReversalNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ