Consulting the Brother

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Gaster wasn't one to stay in a room for to long, he had to move about, get something done. But, he had to wait.

And wait.


It has been a week! Surly he would have been hired at the lab Alphys is at by now!

Asgore put in a good word for him as well as his old assistant!

"Darling you are pacing and it is worrying me." Grillbys calm voice spoke from nearby. Both monsters were behind the bar counter as the elemental cleaned everything down before opening the bar.

With a sigh Gaster paused his pacing. "I am sorry sweetie, but.... it has been a week.. what if they don't want me... what if I am not good enough for them?"

Now this was new. Never in his life of knowing the royal scientist, he has never seen him so discouraged, or self conscious. He seemed so anxious over this whole job deal. Grillby sighed and set the wet rag aside, walking over to his lover and embracing him from behind.

"It has only been a week sweetling. These things take time, and they would be fools not to hire you." The skeleton relaxes at the hug and melts against him.

"I am being silly, huh?" Gaster mumbles.

Grillby nods with a chuckle "Yes, but rightly so. You will get the job, don't worry, and if not I can hire you here for the meantime."

"Ooohoho I know where this is going. You want me to wear the females uniform and strut around showing off my ecto butt just for you, that outfit is too tight around my chest when I form my body." Gaster turns his head to see Grillby a bit flushed "Called you out, I see." The skeleton turns in his arms and hugs around his neck., Grillby moved his hands to the skeletons hips.

"Yes, but can you blame me? You are hot, body or not." Grillby chuckles and kisses the skeleton.

"Ew guess, almost work hours stop the gay." A snickering voice came from behind the counter, they pull away even more flushed and look over to see the tiny skeleton sister casually sitting behind the counter munching on some pretzels Grillby had set out for Gaster to eat while here.

"What have I told you about shortcutting into the bar?" Gaster scowls lightly.

"To not to. Buuuuuuuuuuut I figured if I didn't, you'd both be naked on the newly cleaned counter and Grillby would open late, ya'know like last time." You raise a brow smugly. Grillbys flame grow hotter, signally how embarrassed he was.

"That was one time!" Gaster argues.

"One time, to many." You pop a salty pretzel into your mouth and hum at the taste as you suck the salt off before crunching it.

"Now, come along bro, gotta go shopping for the house and I need help." You scoot off the stool.

"With reaching things on the top shelves?" Gaster mocks, pecking Grillbys lips before walking around the counter.

You pause in your steps and growl "I am not short. I am fun size." You hiss out and open the door after unlocking it.

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

Once everything had been brought into the house you left the tall one to go help Frisk with some school project, leaving the skeleton in the house with the humans.

Gaster didn't mind it much. Most of the humans were nice, and well, he likes to think his height scared the edgy one. Which as you stated, it does to a fault.

As he put things away slowly one by one the humans entered the kitchen, and sat at the table watching him, he didn't like it, but didn't want to voice it and be rude so he just went along and putt hings away.

"how do we go about datin your sister?" Red asked out of no where.

Gaster sputtered in confusion before turning around staring at them.

"Pardon?" He raised a brow looking at him.

"Yeaah we... sorta.. well.. well we all have feelings for her, and we have no idea how to address it with her, so we thought you could help." Green rubbed his neck sheepishly they all stared at the table.

"Poly?" Gaster questions like it was so simple.

"she inta that?" Red asked once more looking at him.

"Well.. I don't know.. honestly you should all just talk to her about it." He sighs leaning against the counter crossing his arms.

"how?" Sans pocketed his hands.

"Just... talk to her? Bring it up casually, and discuss as adults how you want to go about this." He spoke as if it were all simple.

"But.. there has been no prove, or hint of us having feelings. We.. sorta took pride in keeping them hidden. For our own reasons." Green confessed, the others nod in agreement.

"Then confess when you talk to her." Gaster sighs again "Look, I'm an old monster. Old as balls, but I know the feeling of having to confess, and being scared shitless over being rejected, buut, take it from me, her older brother, none of you will be rejected. If anything, she will being interested because you acted like adults instead of hiding it all away."

"R/really!?" The all look up shocked, and a little motivated.

"Yes, she has a thing for people who act their age. Along with other... kinks and such. But not my place to say. But yes, she will be interested if you confess your feelings, be it, the same time or not. Just relax, and be yourselves when you do. Then you all can figure it out." He turned back around and started to finish putting things away.



Ok 1: Poly will be an option, since this story will have mutli endings, (pick the skelly you want and read his end chapter) I am going to make poly an option as well.

2: Yes! There will be more single couple smut, and maybe some group smut, or... brother with reader smut. We are getting smutty I assure you.

And 3: I need some feedback on an idea I have. I asked a bud and she said it was a great idea, buuut I need more feedback on it.

If I made a discord server for everyone that reads and enjoys my stories, would you guys actually be interested in it? Just a place to chill and hang out with me? It will most likely also be undertale related, I might make a bit more activities and such make it more fun, but I just want to know right now before doing anything, if you would actually like to be apart of that. Let me know in the comments.

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