f o r e v e r

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1st POV: Kai's

There wasn't a second that passed by that I would want to be without Mayuko. There wasn’t one single moment where I didn’t want to be with Mayuko. I never wanted to let her leave my side and I didn't let her. Carefully, I thought of a plan that could go against those that were against us. It was risk and we could barely go through it, but I figured who could deny us now that is all sealed done, legally. I belonged to Mayuko and she belonged to me. How could we be torn apart?

After getting married, I carried Mayuko bridal style to a white BMW that had flowers wrapped on the front and back of it, also there was a driver at the front. Tiffany and Taeyeon walked us out, but they said they were just here to see it all happen. They would let us be together, because it wasn't long till it would be discovered by her mother, but before then I would let the world know. This could not be hidden in the darkness.

As we driver drove the car, I took Mayuko's small hand and kissed it with tender care as I looked her perfect round sparkly eyes. 

"I'm sorry...if this isn't the ideal wedding for you."

I meant this with pure sincerity. Because, it wasn't the grand big million dollar ideal wedding with all family coming from both sides and people we really didn't know honestly. But, I always adored how grateful Mayuko was for something so small. In her eyes, it was something bigger than her own. 

She turned her lovely head in no agreement and placed her other hand over mines, sending a loud shrill of happiness through me. Her hand was like she was a strumming a harp as she caressed mines, and I was in complete awe that this woman was finally mines, all mines. I would let no one in this entire world take her from me. I promised her and I will keep even if it means the death of me.

Her voice was like a sweet melody as she looked at me, while her small plump cherry lips spoke. 

"It's the most perfect wedding. There is nothing like this it in this entire world. I-I can't describe how happy I am Kai. I love you so much," She breathed out emotional and I pulled her small body over to me in a hug. This big smile on my face just wouldn't go away, that it began to hurt.

After we came back from a boat ride, I brought her back to the same Hotel Room where we came from. I laid her down and I kissed her like there was no tomorrow. It was another day of bliss heaven, but this one would always be with us because we were rightfully belonged to one another.

When Mayuko fell asleep, I got up out of the bed and went out on the balcony of the hotel suite room, to make a call. I always made calls like this, didn't I? I know it was soon, but if I didn't act right now...this marriage would be meaningless...in the enemies’ eyes.

I would have to let Chae-Young, Sehun and lastly Seohyun know. Apart from the happiness that floated around my heart like a feather in the wind, there was a spot of sadness and gloominess. I had let go of Seohyun and I knew she was dependent on me in the past and now. But, she had to know that I was letting her go. She was adopted by Chae-Young and mostly it was done by the work of Sehun. She would be living fine for now on, even if I wasn't there. Before I met her and when I did meet her, her number one priority than me was her education, she wanted to be successful. I had taken that away from her.

As for me telling her, I would save her for last. Right now, I had to make it where there wasn't any escape.

Going in my contacts on my phone, I made a call.

"Get me a flight tomorrow morning and tomorrows’ the press conference for the new Galaxy phone right? Perfect...I'll be demonstrating how it can be used. Tell father that I will actually be there," I looked back seeing Mayuko sleeping restlessly in the bed like sleeping beauty and smiled at her.

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