c o m p a n i o n

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1st POV: Sehun's

I sat on the edge of the bed and held her soft yet tiny hand, but she wasn’t moving one bit. Her eyes were now open, but something was wrong. What was it? Gently, I moved the oxygen mask off her face for a few minutes at least, that was getting it’s oxygen from a home oxygen concentrator.

“Mayuko, speak to me.”

Still, there wasn't one single movement earned from her. The tears that spilled out of her eyes, ran completely dry. At first, I thought she was ignoring me, but I figured out that wasn’t the case here.

Slowly and calmly, I placed my hand on her frail shoulder and shook her lightly. "Come on baby, look at me. At least say something."

Still not one response. All she did was breath. Something had to be wrong. I placed the oxygen mask back on her face and called the doctor. It wasn't long till I heard a knock on my door. In a hurry, I went to it and opened it. Doctor Lee came in and a nurse followed behind him in to Mayuko's room. He took out his stethoscope and placed it on her chest.

"Her heartbeat is still regular," He said and then he waved his hand over her eyes. Still no response.

"I saw her cry at first," I spoke up, hoping this would help.

"Hmmm, I see," He hummed and held his hand out. "Nurse Jung, please give me a laser," He spoke to the nurse. She nodded and took out a small silver laser. Even though her eyes were open, he spread them more with his index finger after he took off her oxygen mask and released it rapidly before he flashed the red laser in her eye, straight into her pupil.

And just like that, she blinked. Her sweet luscious dark eyelashes blinked.

"Hmmm," He continued to hum and it was driving me crazy to just stand here and watch, but I couldn't do anything but that. 

"She's absence of responsiveness and awareness but has reflex after coming out of a coma. She's in a vegetative state. I wasn't sure this was going to happen, but I it was a possibility this could have happen due to the injury on her brain. Her eyes blinked as a reflex.”

"So what are you saying?" I asked and stepped closer.

"I'm saying she can hear us, smell us, see us, feel us, but she can't move. She's in a vegetative state which is also known as being worse than death. This is the first me seeing this type of patient and especially since she is... I rather not say what I was about to because that might send her in severe shock, which we don’t need right now or at all."

He then stood up and wrapped his stethoscope around his neck, before he continued. "She should be fine, but since she is in this state. You need to know of these things. Just as she was before, she will be fed through a tube and be taken off of IV. There is no need for the oxygen mask, now she has awoken, partially that is. When she sleeps her eyes will close and open on her own when she awakens. She may moan or make noises, when she is moved by someone because her muscles are being stretched. She will cry or smile based on a cause or not. If something startles her, she may look at it or she may just briefly look at something on her own, depending on her condition. She won't follow directions, maker her own movements, or talk. It will all be based off reflects."

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