60 - A Kitsune's First Love

Start from the beginning

"I think I love Ken...but I don't nearly know him well enough. Not enough to even have a chance against his fiancé Irene." I stated.

"And I've seen how the others look at him. There's so much competition, and I'm the one that has the latest start. How am I supposed to win?" I asked.


"Wow." Dad replied. "I haven't seen you this vulnerable in a long time."

"That's the first thing you say after I pour my heart out to you?!" I angrily yelled.

Dad chuckled. "Look, I'll be blunt with you. Under normal circumstances, you probably wouldn't win."

A sharp pain pierced my heart.

"But these aren't normal circumstances." Dad added.


"Do you remember how Irene helped us with her troops that fought the Takao grunts?" Dad asked.

"Yeah." I nodded. "Irene, Ken's other friends, and all of those troops were out there defeating the Takao grunts. They let me through to help you two."

Dad smiled. "You see, the day after the raid I discovered that they're actually part of a new, emerging group called The Cult Of Loki."

"And?" I asked, wondering where the hell he was going with this.

"The leaders of the group are the 'Sisters', led by Irene. In other words, they're Ken's...lovers. Future lovers? Something like that." Dad stated.

"No way." I gasped.

"Yep." Dad nodded. "Which means that if you become a Sister, you'd be able to stay with Ken."

Stay with Ken?

I'd have to share him, but I find that a much better option than not having him at all.

I've never been attracted to anyone. I've never had any friends, any crushes, or any social interaction really at all.

Even at school. It's not that I'm ostracized, it's that I never...connected with anyone before.

But Ken...thinking of him sends a new feeling through my nerves. A feeling of happiness and...love.

I love him.

I love him SO much.

I don't think I could live without him...

But would the others be fine? And what about Dad? Shouldn't he be opposed to this?

"How come you'd let me do that?" I asked him. "Why are you okay with me sharing him."

"Honestly, if you were to be with anyone, Ken is the man I'd want you to be with." Dad stated.

"Ken...I've only known him since this January, but I've gotten closer to him than most despite the short time." Dad explained.

"He's much more casual with me, and doesn't treat me like a boss." He smiled. "Don't get me wrong, I love our Family, but hearing everyone call me "Boss" can get tiring."

I nodded, getting what he meant.

"Ken kind of....feels like a son to me." Dad stated. "Don't tell him, cause I don't know if he feels the same way, but he feels like family."

"Like you and I." He grinned.

"I know Ken's a good man, so he's the one I would want you to be with, instead of some random guy who could be using you." Dad explained.

"Dad...thank you." I smiled.

I felt tears well up in the corner of my eyes. He supported me, even in something crazy like this...

I'm so crazy...crazy in love...

"Wait." I just realized something. "Isn't polygamy illegal?"

"Since when have Yakuza follows the law?" Dad grinned.

"We follow the law...mostly." I replied.

"Exactly." He nodded.

Oh. Well, it's good enough for me.

"Well, you should do it." Dad stated. "Give Irene a call."

"What?!" I exclaimed, taken aback.

"Call Irene, and ask her to make yourself a Sister." Dad restated.

"I can't just do that!" I yelled. "What if she rejects me?!"

"You don't know unless you try. And besides, I don't think she'll reject you." Dad added.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked him.

"Well, Irene and I talked, and we're thinking of merging The Cult Of Loki with the Taiyou Family." Dad explained.

"What?!" I gasped in surprise.

"One-Eye betrayed us Amber." Dad said somberly. "I knew him for years, and I had no idea that he was against me."

"Irene's had that same problem before with her brother and former second-in-command." He continued. "That's why she dissolved the Royal Knights to form the The Cult Of Loki."

"She created a group completely loyal to her, the Sisters, and Ken. They even started 'converting' the Takao Family, and I've seen the results. They're completely loyal." Dad stated.

"And besides, it would grow our strength even more, especially with the defeat of the Takao Family." Dad added.

"So...what do you say?" Dad wondered.


It's a cult...

But it's for Ken...


Well, a cult isn't too far from Yakuza, is it?

Besides, it's for Ken.

And I'd do ANYTHING for Ken.

"Let's do it." I stated. "Give me your phone."

Dad handed over his phone. Opening it, I scrolled down to Irene's contact. I pressed it, placing the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" She asked, confused.

"Hey Irene." I stated.

"Amber? What is it?" Irene wondered.

"Please induct the Taiyou Family into The Cult Of Loki."

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