Chapter 15: GOAL

433 43 42

Audio titled: MyBOi


(Talking About The World)


Jong Woo all but flew through the inn's door

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Jong Woo all but flew through the inn's door.

He had run all the way down the road – it just had to be a long one – and only now began to realise how out of shape he was.

He turned to the person closest to him, who happened to be that crazy man Deuk Jong. Of course.

"Where is he?" he wheezed.

"Oh, look who's come back to me! Come and play with me little man, I haven't had the chance to properly greet you last time," he cackled madly.

"Wher—... Oh forget it!"

Jong Woo headed directly to the stairs. He didn't have the nerves to put up with Deuk Jong right now. Not if he hadn't made sure Moon Jo wasn't harming Jung Hwa in any way.

He sprinted up to the second floor and was already shouting before he burst through the door where he had talked with Moon Jo last time.

"You bastard better keep your hands off o-...err-"

He froze in the doorway. Jung Hwa and Moon Jo were sitting leisurely in the two armchairs, both with tea in their hands and in the middle of playing chess. After the hellish pictures of what the sadistic leader might be doing to his friend, the scene seemed downright bizarre.

They both looked amused by Jong Woo's forceful entrance. On the chessboard were still quite a few figures, indicating that they hadn't played for long. Jong Woo couldn't help but notice that Jung Hwa was losing bitterly.

"Ah Jong Woo, so good of you to stop by! Care to join us?" taunted Moon Jo.

Jong Woo shook himself out of his shock and closed the door slowly behind him. He warily kept his eyes on Moon Jo, though.

"In a game that is already lost? No thank you."

"I'm losing already?" smiled Jung Hwa lightly and scratched her head distraught.

"In three moves."

"Not if she moves that pawn," interrupted Moon Jo.

"I know her, she'll go with the tower," countered Jong Woo.

"But then she could use her horse."

"By then your queen would be right there."

They stared at each other intently, an unspoken challenge between them.

Jung Hwa cleared her throat. "Erm, yeah...I really should get going. It was a pleasure meeting you leader Joseung Saja."


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