Chapter 23: BETTER

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Audio titled: MIND GAME


(Much Better)


Jong Woo all but collapsed behind the closed door

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Jong Woo all but collapsed behind the closed door. That had been...close.

Clamped muscles, irregular breathing and a racing heartbeat...If he had to take a guess, his symptoms pointed directly to a panic attack. The question was, why?

He had never felt comfortable around other people, but Moon Jo took his uneasiness to a whole new level. But it wasn't the same uneasiness Jong Woo felt when being around someone like Sung Ryeol or Kwang Jae. With them, Jong Woo felt almost a bit disgusted at their presence, but Moon Jo? He seemed to experience an adrenaline rush whenever he was around the man. Jong Woo had once read that people could become addicted to highly dangerous sports, did that mean..?

Jong Woo shook his head vigorously. He refused to even think down that road.

He picked himself up and opened the adjacent door. A big wooden tub full with steaming hot water stood in the middle of the otherwise empty room. It only took Jong Woo a split second to identify the women as Shin Soo Oh's mother. With her dark hair and fair complexion, Shin Ji Eun—like the rest of the Shin's—looked out of place in such a worn-down inn.

"I left a new set of clothes on the floor over there. My leader kindly urges you to wear them."

With that, Ji Eun left Jong Woo alone.

Jong Woo sighed and approached the tub suspiciously. He only ever washed himself when the stench became too dominant. But even then he didn't use much more than a wet towel.

He didn't like how Moon Jo got him to take a bath, but he wasn't foolish enough to waste such luxury.

He carefully stepped out of his clothes and entered the tub. The hot water did wonders to his battered body. He closed his eyes blissfully for a moment, before he began to scrub himself. He wouldn't want to give Moon Jo the satisfaction to know that he actually enjoyed it.

Several long minutes later, the water had taken on a brownish colour and Jong Woo decided it would be contra productive if he stayed in it any longer.

The clothes fit him surprisingly well. It was an odd feeling for Jong Woo, since he was used to layers of oversized clothes. They weren't new clothes but definitely in a better state than his old ones. Jong Woo still decided to keep his old shoes and jacket.

When he exited the room, he heard Moon Jo's voice coming from downstairs. He moved to the staircase and looked down.

"...and this is the list of the smaller groups that I told you about leader. Should they be allowed to stay independent, or should I insist on a fusion?"

Jong Woo could see Sung Ryeol handing Moon Jo several stacks of papers. He tried to read Sung Ryeol's expression and was surprised when he couldn't detect any malice or reluctance. Instead, Sung Ryeol seemed almost excited and radiated a kind of satisfaction that came from being busy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2022 ⏰

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