Chapter 10: FAKE IT

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Audio titled: NAAMA


Fake It
(Till You Make It)


"WHAT IS THIS? WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?" yelled Soo Oh with a loudness that Jong Woo wouldn't have thought possible from such a small creature

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"WHAT IS THIS? WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?" yelled Soo Oh with a loudness that Jong Woo wouldn't have thought possible from such a small creature. And that could probably be heard several blocks away from here.

"O-Ooookay, clam down Soo Oh, everything's fine!"


"Shh! Quiet you imbecile!"


"Look, you're...err... flying, right?" Jong Woo said, desperate to shut him up before half Seoul knew Soo Oh was here. It was a ridiculous thing to say, but Soo Oh shut his mouth and frowned.

"Flying?" he asked astounded.

"Flying," Jong Woo nodded seriously, even though he had no idea what that would change for Soo Oh.

Soo Oh paused to think about that.

"Then why am I upside down?" he demanded suspiciously.

"Err, you erm... Well, it's your first try, right?"

Soo Oh nodded slowly, what looked absolutely ridiculous in his position, but Jong Woo was just relieved he actually seemed to believe him.

"How do I get down?"

"Err... You just think really hard about it," he answered slowly and moved to the small generator. "Got it?"

Soo Oh nodded again, his face a mask of pure concentration. Jong Woo turned the generator off behind his back and caught the now falling Soo Oh.

Soo Oh's face was flushed from being upside down but seemed otherwise unharmed. Jong Woo thought he would sob again or yell at him or demanding to eat, instead Soo Oh's face lit up excited.

"Can I try that again?"

Who would have thought? Now his inventions already served as toys for children, Jong Woo wondered what came next.

Loud banging on the front door startled the two.

"Open up! Resistance is useless, we know a child is in there!"

"Shit!" Jong Woo cursed and grabbed Soo Oh by the arm. "Back door, come on!"

"We have the whole house surrounded! Give yourself up and we might not harm you!"

Might? Incredible convincing. Jong Woo's mind rushed. The back door was useless, they would never make it out. Attack was their best option, even if they were probably only stalling time.

Jong Woo went back behind the counter and activated one of the more harmful traps. The men standing too close to his house were instantly catapulted backwards by an invisible pressure wave. As if a huge explosion just happened inside the house, except there was only the shock wave, no explosion. Jong Woo heard cursing and hectic shouting.

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