Chapter 16: KEY

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Audio titled: BAD FOR YOU


(Give It!)


"Hyun Ho, are you there? I'm home!"

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"Hyun Ho, are you there? I'm home!"

Jung Hwa tiredly pulled of her shoes and sank into their couch in front of the fireplace.

It was a very old furniture, with lots of moth holes and the springs creaked loudly with every move.

A lot of their furniture was old and well used, but they both agreed it made the house more comfortable.

It wasn't like they were going to find newer ones.

Hyun Ho walked in from the kitchen. He looked relieved. "Jung Hwa! Where were you? I searched everywhere for you!"

"Like I told you, I went to see Jong Woo. I'm sorry I was gone longer than expected."

"I wouldn't have worried if Jong Woo didn't come see me and ask where you are. Why did you leave him? And what were you doing all this time?"

Jung Hwa grinned sheepishly and thought about Jong Woo's indignant cry when he left him with leader Joseung Saja.

"Just making sure he'd start living again," replied Jung Hwa cryptically.

Hyun Ho cocked his head thoughtfully, but then decided to let it go and shrugged.

"Hyun Ho do you know if, hmm... How should I say... Did Jong Woo ever have, well, 'the talk'?"

Hyun Ho jaw dropped. "We are talking about the same Jong Woo here right? 24 years old, genius, reading scientific books like comics?"


Hyun Ho let out a relieved sight. "Oh thank God, I thought—..."

"I'm talking about the young man who went through his teenage years without ever meeting someone around his age."

"Su Jung Hwa! If you are even considering to explain to Yoon Jong Woo how babies are made—... Please tell me a week beforehand so I can leave the country, because I'm not sure it will exist afterwards."

Jung Hwa laughed at his reaction. "I'm fully aware he knows the biology behind it."

Hyun Ho exasperated threw his hands in the air. "That boy almost killed me with one of his inventions when I was pestering him about making some friends! I do not want to imagine his reaction when the word 'love' enters that discussion."

"Hmm, no, I don't think love is the right word for it... But try to imagine your teenage years without anyone of the same age group around you. No dirty jokes, no secret glances in the girl's locker rooms, no hidden magazines, nothing! I'm just not sure reading a scientific book about the different anatomy of men and women can compensate that. Everyone around him is at least ten years older; they know what to do. And the children are way too young that anyone would even think about that part of education. What if Jong Woo doesn't realise sexual attraction even when it gets shoved right into his face? What if someone—..."

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