Chapter 2: LEADERS

720 57 5

Audio titled: ON MY OWN


(One Hell of a Flattering Man)


Jong Woo let out an annoyed sigh

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Jong Woo let out an annoyed sigh. He was searching for his newly invented knife. Well, he didn't invent the knife, the customer wanted the knife to be unnoticeable so Jong Woo had mixed together a paint that adapted to the background like a chameleon.

'I should have waited with the application though', he thought, furious at himself. For the life of him he couldn't found the blasted thing that was now conveniently almost invisible.

Finding something in his workplace was a challenge by itself.

He lived and worked in one room that was more than a house.

The front had shelves who were organized with some space for the customer and a sort of counter, but behind it was what Jong Woo called 'organized chaos'.

Hundreds of little pieces and half finished inventions were piling up in shelves or lying on the floor, papers with scribbled notes on it over everything like a blanket.

On the other side of the hall was a bit cleared up space with a small kitchen, a table and a bed. The huge shelves between store and living space provided sufficient cover—and protection for if an outsider crossed the hall, he was likely to step on some explosive device.

Jong Woo sighed again. He would have to buy a new knife and mix the paint again. The customer wouldn't be happy about the delay.

Through the window he saw So Jung Hwa walking hurriedly toward his shop

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Through the window he saw So Jung Hwa walking hurriedly toward his shop. Jung Hwa was one of the veteran and one of the few people who visited Jong Woo not for business.

She and her partner Jo Hyun Ho lived together in a close part of the town. They didn't talk much about the past, but from what Jong Woo gathered they were childhood friends. Two friends who went through the chaos together and both stayed alive was a very rare thing.

Almost no one knew each other from before the collapse.

Jong Woo like the pair. They respected him and treated him like an equal, not like some young weirdo who was just plain lucky to survive. They knew Jong Woo's skill made him invaluable and it was his intelligence, not his luck that played the major role in his surviving.

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