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Dear Jimin,

It's quite funny how things have turned out.

We met in 3rd grade, I left in the 6th, and here I am, a Junior in highschool, still thinking about you.

Mom and Dad are having a divorce, dad is leaving and as he was packing, I found our old yearbook.

Well, our makeshift yearbook.

You only get yearbooks in highschool, but we wanted one already, so we made one ourselves, with Hyeri and the others. We took pictures with your mom's film camera and compiled them all in one scrapbook. I found it in the attic, tucked away along with everything else surrounding the years before.

It's a friday night, and I can't go out like the others,

So at exactly 11:11,

I had an idea.

Instead of having feelings bottled up, I would write letters, letters to the person I want with me right now, to the person who I need here with me. To the person who never failed to make me laugh.

You know, I was planning on telling you what I felt. I was planning on dropping a letter in your bag, but I knew your mom would see it. I was planning on telling you after class, but I couldn't.

Neither could I bring myself to tell you I was leaving.

The rest of the gang knew, but I just couldn't tell you. I'm sorry. If you were shocked or sad or mad, I'm sorry. Even if you most likely just went on with your life,


Although that last sorry is more of a sorry to myself, for not taking chances. Anyways, I hope you're happy now. I hope you and the gang are still together. I hope your grades are well. I hope you finally confessed to Sana. I hope she said yes. I hope you both are happy together.

I hope you didn't change too much.

Lately, life has been hectic, even when it isn't, I never feel at ease.

I miss your warm hugs,

I miss our music sessions,

I miss us and our friend's hangouts,

I miss getting in trouble together,

But most of all,

I miss you.

After all these years, I never forgot you once,

I just hope you forgive me and remember me too. 

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