Actions speak louder than words...

Start from the beginning

"So, this- this version of Star City- this does not have to happen?"

"Correct, the future is always in flux. However, this will never come to pass. This world isn't real."

"Let's split up. We'll cover more ground." She said avoiding eye contact with me.


After a while of searching, I found it. I checked the box to make sure it was in there, which it was.

"Hello, beautiful." I said to the object. Before I closed the case, there was an explosion. I closed the case and made it to the center of the warehouse where Connor was already taking on Wilson's army. I fired my gun on some of the men, knocking them out.

"There's too many of them!" Connor yelled while fighting some of the men. A few seconds later, Mick and Snart rode in on motorbikes and started to help us fight them.

"Gentleman, your timing is exemplary." Rip told the pair.

"Where's Connor?" Sara asked. We looked around, but he was nowhere to be found. I looked around and picked up his disregarded bow.

"He's been taken."


"These are Grant Wilson's men." Sara concluded.

"The guy with the half face and the body armor has a real mad-on for the kid with the hoodie." Mick grumbled. I tossed the bow to the ground while Rip turned to Sara.

"Can I have a word?"


"I know what you're going to say."

"We need to save him." Sara said as predicted.

"Yes, that. You're forgetting that this future is only a potential timeline."

"Yeah, where Grant Wilson kills Connor."

"Wilson's not going to murder Connor, because once you're returned to 2016, there won't be a Wilson or a Connor, at least not as we know them both right now."


"Sleep tight buddy." We walked back over to Snart and Mick. Snart was standing over Mick's unconscious body.

"What happened to him?" I asked Snart.

"Difference of opinion."

"Right. We need to get this and Mr. Rory back to the waverider."


"We have the neuromorphic prototype." I told Jax and Stein once we got back to the waverider.

"Any luck with the ship's engine?" Rip asked them.

"Yeah, it's all good." Jax told us.

"Is there something wrong, Miss Lance?" Stein asked her.

"Well, all my friends and family are dead, except for Oliver Queen, who seems to be dead inside, and missing his left arm."

"Sara, I have told you-" Rip started, but Sara cut him off.

"That this is just a potential future and that it's all going to go back when we return to 2016- if we return. But, what if we don't? We all know Carter's not coming back. It's not like we have the safest line of work."

"I think if Sara wants to stay and help that then we should." Jax cut in. "I mean, that's what we signed up for. To be heroes."

"I agree with Jefferson." Stein told us.

"And what about you Jes?" Sara asked me. I just looked down at the floor. Selfishly, I wanted to side with Sara, but I knew I couldn't. I told her that nothing gets in the way of me and my job and I meant it. It was wrong to interfere with events, especially when we don't need to. "Of course you agree with Rip." She murmured underneath her breath.

"Of course they agree with you, Miss Lance, because neither of you understand the pitfalls of changing the timeline." Rip snapped.

"Meddling with the future is arguably more dangerous than meddling with the past because it is still in flux." I added.

"Your parents' deaths are in the future. Rip's wife and son's death is in the future. You want us to change that." At that point, I snapped.

"Do not play that card with me!" I slammed my hands against the computer.

"Are you only willing to risk the timeline if it's for your own family?" She asked as I left the bridge.

"I am not just trying to save my family and I'm not just trying to save one city, but the entire world!"

"You are being selfish!"

"I am not being selfish Sara!"

"Go to hell." I turned around to say something in response, but instead pressed my lips against hers. She immediately kissed me back as her back slammed against the wall. Eventually, my mind caught up with my actions. I pushed myself away from her and I let a single tear fall from my eye as I walked away.


Last chapter for this week! I know that I've been teasing you guys with the whole will they won't they thing, so let me explain. At first, Jes and Sara were each putting themselves before the other. Jes, trying to save her family first with Sara trying to win Jes back first. Then they both realized they needed to put the other person first, resulting in both of them having a change of opinion. Right now, Jes is filled with emotions and doesn't really have her head on straight and Sara is upset about Star City, so emotionally, neither of them are in the best headspace which is why they've been on different pages for the entirety of the story. I am promising you that the teasing will end soon. Hopefully, next week. Hope you enjoy this chapter!

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