Going Back Home

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Series in order:
Book 1: Loathing Logan
Book 2: Still In Love With You
Book 3: Loving Your Imperfections


I woke up to the sound of my alarm. There was a big wedding happening today, and it was up to me to capture the whole thing with my camera.

I went inside my restroom and began to prepare for the long day.

This gig will surely pay well. I love this job, it not only gives me the satisfaction to see people smile and unite in the happily ever after, but I love seeing how everyone loosens up. The yummy food, the elegant decorations, and the music. God, I love the music.

I wanted to kill time to look my best, this way I wouldn't rush this morning, so I had fixed my hair last night in loose curls. I pinned my hair up, got in the shower, cleaned my body, washed my teeth, and got dressed in comfy ripped jeans and a long sleeve shirt that fits off the shoulder on one side.

I quickly grabbed my light blue Tom shoes and slid them on. I tucked my shirt a little in front by my belt buckle, did a quick once over in my mirror after applying light makeup, and went to the kitchen to prepare a light breakfast for my six-year-old son, Nathan, and me.

Yes, I'm a single mom. Have been since my son was born. I got pregnant a few weeks before my high school graduation. It was hard. It took me almost twice as long to graduate from college than the time it takes most people.

While most people graduate in four years, it took me nearly seven. I dropped my second semester because my son was born in March. I was all alone at first. I knew no one and my family was all across the country.

I miss them so much, but I can't complain. I've made a few friends throughout the years, including my boss where I got my first job in a coffee house, Mrs. Clark. She is such a sweet old lady.

I made my way to the kitchen and was surprised to see my son already up and was trying to make peanut butter and Nutella sandwiches.

"Nate, baby? What are you doing?" I asked him making him turn startled. He smiled, revealing his big beautiful green eyes.

" Hi, mommy. I'm making breakfast."

"You are? Awe, baby!" I said going over and hugging him tightly. He had a Nutella stain on his left cheek, making me chuckle.

"How did I get so lucky to have such a good man in my life? You're the best, you know that? I love you cubby-bear." I said grabbing a napkin, dipping it in a bit of water, and cleaning his cheek.

He smiled from ear to ear and turned to continue his duty.

"So..... Coffee? Or orange juice for you sir?" I asked in a sheepish French accent making him chuckle.

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