Last Chapter 65

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Namjoon: Because I really f*cking love you.

You were taken aback. After getting rejected you had not expected this.

Y/N: You don't.

Namjoon: You don't know me so you can't say that.

Y/N: But you did the same thing to me. How does it feel to be in that place where you put me before?

He came closer to you.

Namjoon: I'm sorry, I know I have made many mistakes in the past. I accused you wrongly for something you didn't do. I also said that I took care of you because Jiho told me to.

Namjoon: In the beginning it was true that I did it because he told me to but eventually I did it because i wanted to take care of you and keep you safe. It was a lie, to protect myself. I was scared of getting hurt after my lastrelationship so I lied. But the truth is that I loved you even before you confessed to me.

Y/N: Do you have any idea how much your lies broke me? How my life turned upside down because of you?

Your tone was icy and your eyes were cold.

Namjoon: I'm sorry for all of that. I'm sorry for causing you pain. Eversince you met me you've been hurt constantly.

Y/N: Good! Now that you know what you did, repent. I'll be leaving so you can start reflecting on your actions.

You were about to turn around but he held your arm preventing you from leaving.

What he did next made your heart drop to your stomach. He knelt down in front of you and hugged your waist. You could feel your hoodie getting wet from his tears.

Namjoon: Punish me any other way but please don't leave me. I stayed away from you for a long time and I can't do it anymore. P-Please don't l- leave m-me.

Namjoon: I know I caused you a lot of pain and I should suffer for it. But trust me I suffered a lot after doing that to you. Punish me any other way but please stay with me.

His sobs could be heard as he buried his face more in your waist. But his sobs stopped when you put your hand in his hair and held his head with another.

Y/N: There was a lot of pain after I met you but you made it all bearable because you were with me. I never regretted meeting you because you gave me beautiful memories. The way you cared for me, I never felt that loved and important to anyone. I don't regret loving you either. You are a great person anyone would like to have in their life. And everyone has flaws, fears and drawbacks. You can't love someone without accepting them the way they are, Jin hyung said that to me. I love you and I know your reasons were valid even though it hurt me, it will just make our bond stronger. I have already forgiven you for everything. You don't need a punishment, you already suffered a lot and I can see that. Jimin hyung told me how you were having your own internal struggle too.

You played with his hair as his sobs toned down.

Y/N: But... promise me one thing. Anything that comes our way we will face it together, even each other's fears. Let's share everything. Let's do it together, not alone because we both know we want to be there for each other.

Namjoon: I promise!

He sniffled.

Y/N: Now get up, your knees will hurt.

You helped him get up and he immediately engulfed you in a hug as you hugged him back. After a while he pulled back as you wiped his tears and smiled at him. It felt like a dream being in his arms again. He suddenly smashed his lips on yours as he kissed you very gently with love. You froze on your on your spot and your hands curled into fists on his chest. He took your hands in his and put them behind your back without breaking the kiss. You started kissing him back as he pulled you closer by his hands on your back which were intertwined with yours. After a while he pulled out and picked you up spinning you around with a huge smile. Everyone started clapping as you looked down embarrassed that you just kissed in front of everyone. You looked at Namjoon as he was looking at you with love along with a playful glint in his eyes. He pecked your lips many times.

Jungkook: Hyung get a room!

Namjoon: Sorry I can't hold back!

They all laughed as you were still in his arms. He looked at you again.

Namjoon: Finally, you're MINE!

He pecked you again.

Yoongi: YAH hajimaaa(don't)!

All of you laughed again as you were blushing badly.

*1 year later*

You were walking back to your apartment from the office but someone decided to accompany you.

Namjoon: Y/N-ah my feet hurt. Why do you choose to walk when we can use the car?

Y/N: Ahh sorry! I didn't know you had a lot of practice today.

Namjoon: I always see in dramas when the girl's feet are tired the boyfriend gives her a piggy back ride. I wish I could get a piggyback ride too.

Y/N: Then get on my back.

Namjoon: You will be crushed under my weight.

Y/N: Just get on!

He got on your back as you started walking while casually lifting him on your back.

Namjoon: Woah! So this is how world looks down here.

Y/N: Want me to drop you?

Namjoon: No~

He said cutely as you chuckled. He pecked your cheek and tightened his arms around you.

Namjoon: Aishh what will people say if they see a huge man like me being carried by a tiny dwarf like you?

Y/N: We don't need to care about what people say. And if you call me short one more time I will surely drop you.

Namjoon: If you drop me I'll take you with me as I fall.

Y/N: Tsk ungrateful child!

He laughed at your statement.

Namoon: Y/N-ah can we go a little faster?

Y/N: *chuckle* You sure are a huge kid. Fine hold me tightly.

He did as you said and you started running as the sounds of your laughs echoed through the way. 

The end~ : )

PS: I'll be back with a Jungkook threeshot soon. Stay tuned. Hope you liked my work and thanks for showing love to this series. Until next time, bye bye<3

With You (Namjoon ff)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang