Chapter 20

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You stepped out of the car and looked around. It was a one hour drive yet you couldn't figure out where you were.

Namjoon: We'll have to walk a bit. Do I have to carry you again?

He teased you, amused at how easily his words got to you.

Y/N: NO! Uh, I mean, I can walk, thanks.

Namjoon: Okay then, follow me.

Namjoon: Stay close, it's a bit crowded here but the place we're going to will be quiet and peaceful.

Y/N: Okay

Crowds. You hated crowds. You would always get lost in crowds and looking around to check where you would be going didn't help either. You would always be stuck in middle with a lot of people constantly moving around you. Their tall figures would make it completely impossible for you to figure out where you were. Not to forget you didn't like people touching you or coming close to you but in the crowds you usually had to forget that something like personal space existed. A lot of people would bump into you and once you were almost crushed since they couldn't see you down there.

Back in Canada where you spent most of your academic years, your friends would always hold your hands so that they wouldn't lose you in the crowd. But still sometimes you did get lost and you didn't have your phone back then which led you to have a panic attack in the middle of the crowd. But there was this one boy, wearing a mask and a cap so you couldn't see his face, who noticed you and helped you get out of the crowd and stayed with you until your friends found you. You were pretty amused at how a tall person like him would notice a small girl like you in the middle of the crowd. You were thankful to him but he thought you were a child who got lost in the crowd. He even gave you a lollipop to calm you down. You were 18 back then. But your height has been the same since. You stopped growing when you were 16 and all those stretching exercises didn't really help.

Since that incident you have always avoided crowds. It suffocated you. And there won't always be a person who would help you out. People were busy with their own lives to pay attention to others.

But right now you didn't have a choice but to follow him. You couldn't tell him to hold your hand either. You were an adult now. But being an adult didn't mean you always overcame your fears.

You tried your best to follow Namjoon as he led the way. The crowd easily parted for him since he was tall. You held on to his t-shirt to avoid getting separated. But he was too fast. You stood on the tip of your toes to spot him and kept walking in that direction until someone bumped you in the shoulder really hard, making you stumble and fall to the ground. You tried to stand up but a rude guy literally stepped over you. Panic rised to your chest as you started hyperventilating and feeling suffocated. You tried to stabilize your breathing but you just got even more out of breath. You tried to stand up again but you were just pushed back by people hustling in the crowd. Your condition started worsening and you just pulled your knees close to your face and buried your face in your knees. You were getting hurt by people's shoes colliding with your body which made you cry. Ahh yes, you were sensitive for one day and the universe took its chance to make you cry as much as possible. You tried to tone down the noises in the crowd by pressing your arms harder on your ears and burying your face deeper in your knees. People were giving you weird stares and many stumbled against you, hurting you in the process and cursing you later for sitting in the middle of the crowd, blocking people's way.

At this point you just wanted to go home. You were crying as your brain had stopped working and your whole body was in a state of panic. You felt lightheaded and you were about to faint anytime now. That's when you heard your phone ringing. Right, you were so panicked that you had forgotten you had your phone with you now. You immediately picked it up without looking at the caller ID.

??: Y/N, where are you?

With You (Namjoon ff)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang