Chapter 59

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Your life changed after Yuto came into your life. You didn't feel lonely anymore. You had a companion no matter what you did. You had someone to greet you when you reach home. As soon as you would reach home Yuto would tackle you to the ground and start licking your face affectionately. Whenever you felt sad he would be by your side. Whenever you would cry he would hug you by placing his paw on your waist while he snuggles his face in the crook of your neck. You would take him for a walk in the park every now and then. He would play with you in the park.

Yuto made you smile, he made you laugh and he was there for you when you needed him. You never had pets because you were afraid of attachment. And after what happened with Jiho and Namjoon you were even more afraid of getting attached to someone you didn't know was going to stay in your life or leave you. But when you saw Yuto you knew you wanted to have him in your life. You remembered Namjoon's words, "Just because you're afraid of things, you won't do it?". You thought about it and told yourself, "Just because I'm afraid of attachment, I won't ever get a pet?" You always wanted a pet and this was your chance. And you decided to push your fear aside and adopt Yuto. And it was the best decision you ever made.

You were just a lifeless body living like a zombie before but since you adopted Yuto you had someone to look forward to. You had someone waiting for you at home. You had someone who made you want to live. Before you didn't care if you died the next day but now you wanted to live for Yuto. You didn't want to leave him alone in this world. You wanted to do everything together since you loved him so much. It would be true if someone said an angel saved you from drowning in your pain and that angel was Yuto.

Even Yoongi, Jin, Jungkook, and Taehyung came to see Yuto and they brought Hoseok and Yeontan along with them. You were so happy seeing Yuto playing with Yeontan who was half his size. You helped Yoongi and Jin make dinner and all of you had a lot of fun, especially when you and Jin started the dad-joke contest.

Jin: Y/N-ah, which sea animal was used to confine others?


Y/N: Hyung what was the blushing root called?


They were yelling at you both to stop but you didn't stop until you made Yoongi do aegyo and Taehyung secretly recorded it.

You looked around at each everyone one of them as you adored them. Finally you had friends and you thanked Jiho for that. Your heart swelled with happiness looking at them. You all laughed at Yuto being scared of Tannie because Tannie kept barking at him but then he shut him up by crushing him under his body in a sweet hug. Everyone loved Yuto. He was such a sweetheart.

Then the boys wanted a fashion show with you as the model. All of them picked out outfits for you and you had to show them wearing each one by one. They cheered for you as you came out of your room after each outfit. You really had a crazy flock just like you because, "Birds of a feather, flock together".

Taehyung: Yah! Why do you have this in your wardrobe?

Taehyung: Yah! Why do you have this in your wardrobe?

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Y/N: Because I bought it.

Yoongi: That's very revealing, never wear that outside.

Just then Hoseok intervened.

Hoseok: Yoongi hyung, look at this!

Jin: Yah! What is that even supposed to cover

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Jin: Yah! What is that even supposed to cover.

Y/N: I just bought that because it was trending.

Taehyung: So you only wear this thing?

He was so shocked it made you laugh.

Y/N: No it's to layer on top of other clothes.

Yoongi: I got a heart attack for a moment.

Jungkook: YAH WHAT IS THIS???


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Y/N: I already tried the outfits you gave me.

Jungkook: No, we need to do this. We're burning all the revealing clothes.

Y/N: What? No! Get out from there.

You pushed Jungkook, Taehyung, Hoseok out of your room as Yuto helped you by pulling their clothes to get them out of your room and into the living room where you, Yoongi and Jin were sitting.

Y/N: You are such a good boy.

You said ruffling Yuto's fur as he smiled.

Jin: Guys we need to leave, it's getting late.

Hoseok: Aishh I was having too much fun.

Y/N: You can always come again, whenever you are free.

Taehyung picked Tannie up and they left waving at you. You smiled and closed the door. It felt as if finally things were going right. You picked Yuto up and went to sleep. But as soon as you entered your room you yelled in annoyance looking at all the clothes lying here and there. But you chuckled because you could never hate them. 

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