Chapter 27

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Jiho: What do you want to eat?

You turned to look at him as you were walking side-by-side.

Y/N: Umm, let's get noodles today.

Jiho: Yah yah, we're not going to a convenience store.

You smacked him in the head.

Jiho: Owwhh! I mean don't you wanna go to a barbeque place?

Y/N: I'm in the mood for ramen.

Jiho: This man *points to himself* is better than ramen.

He laughed at his own joke as you pushed him away laughing sarcastically. He stumbled a bit but the impact wasn't that big. He looked at you for a while and then proceeded to do the same to you.

He fake laughed and pushed you in return. You were about to bump into a passerby due to the force when Jiho held your wrist and pulled you back to him again. You collided with his chest as he held you close. He looked down at you.

Jiho: Ramen it is!

He took your hand and started walking towards the ramen restaurant. You followed him until you came across the traffic lights and you had to wait to cross the road. Your heart stopped looking at the number of people jostling through on the other street where the restaurant was situated. You pulled Jiho back.

Y/N: Jiho-yah, let's go somewhere else.

He pulled you back.

Jiho: But this is your favourite place, what happened?

Y/N: Let's go somewhere quiet.

You mumbled but he heard you.

Jiho: Hey, look at me. I'm here, I won't let your hand go. I'll hold it tightly and you won't get lost, I promise.

You looked at him with your doe eyes as he assured you.

Y/N: Let's just go to a place where there are less people, please?

Jiho: You'll be fine. We'll book the table in the corner where there won't be any people. You love their ramen, right?

Y/N: But-

Jiho: Trust me.

That wiped away all your doubts. You were scared but not as much as you were before because you knew he would be there for you. You trusted Jiho. You nodded as he gripped your hand tightly and guided you towards the restaurant. You lowered your gaze and focused on your hands. Soon you got there and settled on a secluded table. You gave your orders and started talking while waiting for the food.

Jiho: So...

Y/N: Hmm?

Jiho: What happened?

Y/N: What do you mean?

Jiho: Something happened that triggered your fear of crowds.

Y/N: Ah, about that, it all starts with yesterday morning.

You started telling him all that happened with you when Namjoon took you to the beach. Your food arrived as you kept talking.

Jiho: He lost you in the crowd? That little-

Y/N: Yah, that's not the only thing that happened.

You told him about the fun you had when you got to the beach and how Namjoon took care of you. You were laughing and smiling while remembering those events.

Jiho smiled looking at how happy you were.

Y/N: Why are you smiling like that?

Jiho: I'm just happy that my lil sis is happy.

Y/N: Well if that makes you happy, I'll try to be happy all the time because I want to see you smile like this.

Jiho: I'm just glad that you're finally opening up to people.

Your smile faded.

Y/N: What's so good about opening up to people? And you're here so I don't need to open up to others.

Jiho: Y/N-ah, what if something happens to me? You need people by your side. Having friends is okay, they will help you.

Y/N: Why are you talking like that? Nothing's going to happen to you. And I'll see about that when you won't be my friend because you'll always be my friend,  best-friend.

Jiho: Y/N-ah that's not what-

He sighed at your stubborn behavior.

Jiho: Yes, I'll always be your best friend.

Jiho: You were so cold when you first joined the company, remember? You wouldn't even smile and would hardly talk to anyone.

Y/N: Yeah and you were the rich and handsome employee who had ladies swooning over him everywhere he went.

Jiho: Still I didn't have any proper friends. I didn't want people hanging out with me just because of my money or connections.

Y/N: What made you think I was different?

Jiho: Are you kidding me? You never looked at me even though my desk was beside yours. If it wasn't for that project you would've still avoided me.

He paid the bill and you started walking home. There were less people but he still held your hand tightly.

Y/N: You know I have a hard time opening up and making friends.

Jiho: I know and I'm so glad I chose you as my partner for that project.

Y/N: So it was you afterall?I thought it was a co-incidence. But still I'm glad about what happened. Now I have this amazing bestfriend.

You jumped and wanted to hug him but hesitated. He noticed that.

Jiho: 2 years and you still don't hug me by yourself. Should I be jealous of Namjoon? You hug him easily.

Y/N: I haven't hugged him, he hugged me most of the time. I only held onto his clothes. But since you're okay with me-

You hugged him and he immediately hugged you back tightly. His eyes were teary but he wiped them before you could notice. You kept walking reminiscing the fun times you had together. He walked you to your apartment and took a cab home as he didn't bring his car.

With You (Namjoon ff)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt