Chapter 12

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Namjoon: Did he do something to you? Did he touch you?

Y/N: No

Namjoon: I didn't tell them yesterday since I thought you would say it yourself. But since you didn't, I have to tell them.

Yoongi: Tell us what, Namjoon?

Namjoon: She had bruises on her shoulders and back.

Yoongi: WHAT?

Yoongi fumed in anger.

Yoongi: Y/N what did he do to you?

Y/N:*sigh* He pushed me to the wall harshly when I tried to escape.

Namjoon: She also had bruises on her wrist.

Y/N: He held my wrists tightly to stop me from punching him.

Jin: How do you remember this? You were clueless when you woke up.

Y/N: I was too immersed in my surroundings that I forgot what had happened but then I noticed the blood on my knuckles and everything came flashing back.

Suddenly loud sobs could be heard. You turned your head to the direction the sound came from. It was Jiho.

Y/N: oh? Why why why why why?

Jiho: I'm sorry Y/N-ah I was late. I'm sorry hyung couldn't protect you.

You went towards Jiho and hugged him.

Y/N: Yah what are you saying? You always protected me and I'm always grateful to you. But I have to learn to fight too.

Namjoon: Yes hyung. And after all she needs to learn how to protect and defend herself now. You won't always be there to protect her.

He pulled out from the hug after a while. He looked at you with his sad eyes as you wiped his tears with the sleeve of your sweatshirt.

Jiho: Promise me Y/N-ah, that you will take care of yourself even when I'm not around.

Y/N: I will. But why are you acting like you are going away? I know you're not going anywhere.

Jiho: Yes, I'm not going anywhere...

He assured you with a big smile but later mumbled something which you didn't hear as you went back and settled in your seat.

Jiho: ...atleast not now.

Y/N: And don't worry about my bruises, I made him pay for that.

Jungkook: Have you learned martial arts?

Y/N: No, why?

Jungkook: It isn't easy taking down a man who is almost twice your size.

Y/N: I just do what makes sense and fortunately it works. Size doesn't matter if you think strategically.

Jiho: Yes, Jungkook-ah. You have no idea what this little monster can do.

And your bickering started again.

Y/N: Yah! Monster?

Jiho: Yeah, monster!

Y/N: Right, a monster sent to kill you.

You were about to stand up to smack his head but Jimin held you back.

Jimin: Calm down shorty!

Y/N: Yah! I'm not that short!

Jiho: Yah, don't yell at him.

Y/N: Fine! Now come here and feed me, I can't move my knuckles because of the bandages.

Jiho: Nope! I'll leave Namjoon to do that.

Jiho: Guys let's go play video games!

Jungkook/Jimin/Taehyung: YES!

Jiho and maknae line went to play video games. Yoongi went to his home-studio.

Hoseok went to watch T.V while Jin went to his room.

And here you were left with a bit of tension in the air, a sprinkle of some awkwardness, a spoonful of stuttering and a whole intimidating Namjoon. 

With You (Namjoon ff)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora