Chapter 16

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Y/N: He couldn't touch me but he slammed me into the wall and held my wrists tightly when I was trying to escape.

You said as you rolled the sleeves of your shirt to expose the bruises on your wrist.

Mr. Han: Why are your knuckles wrapped in a bandage Ms. Min?

Y/N: My knuckles got bruised when I was punching Jason.

Mr. Han: Oh, I was waiting for this part.

Mr. Han: Are you aware of the fact that Mr. Ders is in the hospital right now?

Y/N: What?

Mr. Han: Precisely because he was badly beaten up. If the evidence is to be considered, I would say he was the victim and not the other way around.

Jin: What are you trying to say?

Mr. Han: Think of it clearly. Ms. Min stayed behind instead of going with her friend because she was waiting for a chance to be alone with Mr.Ders. And when she got the chance, she tried to force herself on the poor guy. When he didn't submit to her needs, she got angry and started beating Jason up.( and this is how society behaves with victims of sexual assault, harassment and abuse)

You were shocked and feeling suffocated by all the accusations Mr. Han put on you and how he made you look like the perpetrator. It was all too much for you and you were very sensitive from the morning so you were on the verge of crying. But you still blinked back tears and tried to look strong because you didn't want to cry in front of 13 people, especially that raccoon Han. Heck it would be an insult to raccoons if you called him that. You didn't want Mr. Han to think you were weak and that his schemes were working.

Mr. Han: But I would give her an applause for the story she made, very convincing. She wanted to hook Jason on her just like she has these 8 men sitting in front of me hooked on her following everything she says like-

Jimin: SHUT UP!

Mr. Han: Calm down mister. You need to see the truth rather than believing this vicious woman-

Jungkook: I think he told you to shut up.

Mr. Han: I will, after she is punished for framing Jason in the wrong way as I have the evidence-

Jiho: I kept quiet until now because I thought you would bring out the truth but since you haven't, I will.

Mr. Han: I said no interruptions-

Jiho: Shut up! PD-nim, she accidentally called me before the incident took place. So I have the whole incident recorded in my phone and here is it's copy. The recording was played and you had to go through it all for the nth time.

Bang PD: Do you have anything to say Mr. Han?

Mr. Han: Even though I might be wrong, the fact still stays that she used violence and she must be punished for it.

Bang PD: Mr. Han, which law firm do you work at?

Mr. Han: Nam-il Law firm, sir.

You were terrified at the thought that you might have to face the court hearings just because a stupid asshole decided to anger you and trigger you.

All of you looked at Bang PD as he dialed a number on his phone.

*on the phone*

Bang PD: Yah! Do you recruit lawyers without testing them first? Well I'm very disappointed in you. Mr. Han from your law firm has completely tried to ignore the truth and falsely blamed the victim. I would like you to do something about it or else I will have to press charges against him.

You watched as the color started draining from Mr. Han's face.

Just then he received a call.

*on the phone*

Mr. Han: Sir I admit my mistake and this won't happen again. I'm sorry sir. Please

don't fire me-

The call was cut before he could start begging for his job.

Bang PD: Also I would like you to apologize.

Mr. Han: I'm sorry sir.

Bang PD: I would like you to apologize to my employee, Ms. Min, for degrading her and trying to strip her off her dignity.

Mr. Han: I'm sorry Ms. Min.

Bang PD: Jason should be fired and suspend him for 6 months from any company.

His secretaries nodded as they noted it down.

Bang PD: Is this the girl you were telling me about, Jiho?

Jiho: Yes, PD-nim. She is my best friend and like a sister to me.

Bang PD: Y/N, it is a great pleasure to meet you. You have been very brave and I'm sorry you had to go through this. From now on there will be more attention to security and safety. Now I shall take my leave and once again I'm extremely sorry for what happened to you.

Y/N: Thank you sir.

You gave him a small smile as he left followed by his secretaries as always.

As soon as Mr. Bang left, Mr. Han turned towards you who was standing.

Raccoon Han: Jason was right.

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