Chapter 62

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You slept a lot. You didn't see Namjoon around after you woke up. So you just washed up and went out of the bedroom. You spotted him in the living room lying on the couch staring at his phone. You had many questions but the one irking you right now was, "What is he staring so intensely at in his phone?" He didn't even notice you. So you crept up behind him. You were surprised at what you saw. I was a picture of you two cuddling when they came to your house for the first time.

Y/N: Why are you staring at that?

He was startled.

Namjoon: Huh? I- When did you come here?

Y/N: Just now.

Namjoon: Uh I-I was just going through my gallery.

Y/N: Okay.

Namjoon: You must be hungry, you didn't eat anything last night. Let's go.

Y/N: You act like an owner who keeps going here and there while I feel like the puppy who has to follow that owner.

He turned around and bent to your level. He tapped your chin as you blushed.

Namjoon: As you should, my lil pup.

Y/N: Tssk! I have some questions.

Namjoon: I'm listening.

Y/N: Why did you call me yesterday?

Namjoon: Because I went to your apartment but no one was there so I entered the passcode which you still haven't changed.

Y/N: *thinks* Ugh stop making me embarrassed.

Namjoon: And when I entered there was blood in your living room so I panicked and I called you to know where you were. I thought you were hurt and that it was your blood.

Y/N: Why did you go to my apartment in the first place?

Namjoon: Because I wanted to see you.

Y/N: I already told you that you don't need to take care of me just because someone told you to. I don't need fake concern.

Namjoon: I'm not in the mood to argue with you so don't make me angry. Let's go

With that he left the apartment. You scoffed at his attitude. You were the one who should be angry right now but he did take care of you very well so you let it go. You followed him into the elevator. You stood on the opposite side as you looked at your reflection. Your long hair was down and you were just wearing an oversized hoodie. You felt like those anime girls, the only thing missing was stockings. But you didn't care. All you wanted right now was food. You were starving. As soon as the elevator opened he took your hand and pulled you towards him.

Namjoon: Stay close to me so that you don't get lost.

He intertwined his fingers with yours as you were walking but you didn't think much of it. You reached a breakfast place after a while of walking. You settled down on opposite sides as he handed you the menu. You almost squealed loudly looking at it.

Y/N: Can I get soufflé pancakes?

But you immediately realized what you did and apologized.

Y/N: Sorry!

Namjoon: Excuse me! We'll have the soufflé pancakes.

Waiter: Anything else for the little miss? Would you like orange juice?

Namjoon: She's 23.

Waiter: I apologise, I'll be back with your orders.

You chuckled as he ran away in embarrassment. Soon your food arrived and you were surprised to see that Namjoon finished early while the food in your plate didn't even move much.

Namjoon: Take your time, it's okay.

You nodded with a mouthful of pancakes.

Namjoon: We're going to the dorm after this.

Y/N: Why do I need to come there?

Namjoon: Because I'm not leaving you alone and you seem to have fun with themembers. Being alone won't help right now.

 Y/N: I told you I don't need your fake concern.

Namjoon: Don't test me.

Y/N: Wtf-

Namjoon: I've already paid and the driver is waiting outside.

He stood up leaving you there as you stood up and followed him.

Y/N: Why is his patience tested when I was the one who was misunderstood and rejected?

You got into the car sitting beside him. You didn't say anything throughout the ride. But as you neared the dorm you spoke up.

Y/N: You know I love you right?

It took him a while but eventually he spoke up.

Namjoon: What about it?

Y/N: If you keep doing things for me, it will just make me fall in love deeper with you. It will just be harder for me because you don't-

The car stopped outside the dorm.

Namjoon: I'll be in my room doing my work, you can do whatever you want.

And he went ahead of you in the dorm as you were left dumbfounded in the car.

Y/N: He doesn't want to leave me alone but he keeps avoiding me. What's up with this guy? Ahh right, that's all he can do to satisfy his guilt. He doesn't want to be around me but does it because he pities me as Jiho told him to take care for me.

A tear fell down your cheek.

Y/N: Kim Namjoon how much more are you going to hurt me?

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