Chapter 35

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What would you get Namjoon as a gift? You knew he loved to read so you were thinking of getting him the whole set of Jujutsu Kaisen manga. Though the series wasn't completed yet you decided to get him all the editions that were released. You yourself were a big reader, but your choice of books differed from his greatly. You were more into adult fairytales and fiction. But since this was a manga, you figured he might like it. And if he didn't, he could get an exchange for any other books he liked. The books were neatly arranged in a book case and you wrapped it carefully with a gift wrapper.

Finally it was his birthday and you were dying to wish him but according to the plan you had to stay silent until evening when you guys would surprise him. It was time to get ready and you dreaded this part the most. You knew how to do makeup very well but you weren't quite a fan of it. But you had no choice right now so you put on the makeup along with the bold red lip and slipped into the dress they had sent you. You looked into the mirror nervously. It wasn't like you never dressed up. Having a lot of female cousins meant you would have to learn to dress for events as big as weddings to as small as a graduation party. But ever since you came to Korea you rarely went out, neither to clubs nor parties, not even a date. You didn't do dates and you didn't hate staying at home. And your family wasn't here to force you to go to family gatherings either. Family gatherings were completely fine but you would try to avoid them because you didn't like to go out. In fact you were quite happy to stay indoors in your room without having to bother to meet people and answering their questions which were mostly about your love life which was non-existent.

You kept looking at yourself in the mirror. You looked different, very different. You didn't look like a middle-schooler anymore. You looked older and quite badass. If you had those seduction skills you would be easily able to seduce any man you wanted because your looks did most of the work right now. But people usually fell for your unbothered personality instead which you didn't mind at all. Along with your dress you wore a gold necklace which reached to the neckline of your dress right above your cleavage and a gold bracelet with a ring. You felt like all of it was unnecessary but since the boys asked for it you had to do it. You heard your phone ring, it was Jiho.

Jiho: I'm waiting in the car.

Y/N: I'll be there in a minute.

You took the gift and your phone and headed out towards Jiho's car. You settled in while he looked at you confused.

Y/N: Let's go!

Jiho: Sorry mam, do I know you?

You looked at him for a while hoping he would recognize you.

Jiho: You seem quite familiar.

Y/N: Aissh, hyung!

He widened his eyes.

Jiho: No way! No fucking way!

Y/N: Do I look bad?

Jiho: Are you kidding me? You look HOT!

Y/N: Huh?

Jiho: Put on your seatbelt, we're getting late!

Y/N: Ouh! Okay!

Jiho drove to the Bangtan dorm and walked ahead of you as you followed behind.

He knocked the door because if he would ring the bell, Namjoon would realize that someone had come to the dorm.

The door opened as Jiho and you got in. All eyes were on you making you highly conscious about yourself. Jin arrived from the kitchen. He looked at you as his mouth hung open.

Jin: Jimin-ah did you actually understand the assignment?

Jimin: I understood the assignment perfectly but...

Taheyung: I think we overdid the assignment.

You sighed.

Y/N: Do I look bad? I can go home and change.

ALL: NO!!!

Jiho: This is the first time I'm seeing her all dressed up.

BTS: Me too!

Taehyung: Y/N-ah, do you want to go on a date with me?

Y/N: What?

Hoseok: Yah! She is Namjoon's present.

Y/N: What?

Jin: We are gifting you to Namjoon.

Y/N: A really bad choice!

Jiho: I told them before.

Y/N: You should get him a present that he likes.

Yoongi: And what makes you think he won't like this present?

Y/N: What makes you think he WILL like the present?

Jin: It's upto us, don't worry. You just have to do what we say.

Y/N: That sentence is dangerous. I don't know if I should agree.

Jiho: Don't worry, I'm here.

Yoongi: I'm here too.

Yoongi mumbled in a low voice but you heard him since he was standing next to you. You looked at him and gave him a small smile.

Y/N: Okay, what do I have to do?

Jin: Okay, Namjoon is in his room and he just finished his v-live. Me and the boys will go inside with the cake and you stay at the door. We'll tell him to open the door and you will be standing there. Let's go!

Everryone left while you stood there as you were too nervous. What if he thinks you look weird? What if he thinks you look funny? What if he laughs at you?

Yoongi: Planning to run away?

Y/N: At this point, yes.

Yoongi: Why are you so nervous?

Y/N: Don't I look weird and funny and even fat?

Yoongi: No, you look perfect as always. Maybe even a bit spicy touch to your personality. Now let's go, they'll be waiting for us.

He held out his hand as you looked at it unsure about whether you should take it or not. Since you didn't move, he took your hand in his and started walking towards Namjoon's room.

Hoseok: There they are!

Jimin: What were you two doing?

Yoongi: None of your business.

Jimin: Then why are you holding her hand?

Hoseok: I hope you remember that she is Namjoon's present Yoongi.

Yoongi: Can you all shut up for once? She was nervous and I was helping her.

Suddenly the door of Namjoon's room opened and Yoongi quickly hid you behind him. Namjoon couldn't see you as you were hidden by all the tall men in front of you.

All: Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you~

They all entered the room with the cake as you stayed behind. He cut the cake and now it was time.

Jimin: We have a present for you.

Namjoon: Really? Where is it?

Jin: Go open that door. It's right outside your door.

Namjoon: Okay!

He was confused but excited at the same time while you were nervous on the other side.The door opened and you looked up to see Namjoon standing there with an unreadable expression.

Namjoon: Why are you dressed like that?

Ouch! That hurt!

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