Chapter 29

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It was the weekend and Jiho was away for a business trip to Busan. He invited you to tag along but you denied since he would be working and you would just spend your time sleeping.

You didn't have much of an appetite so you just had some oats for dinner. You just got your period so you were wearing Namjoon's sweatshirt which had Jiho's fragrance and some biker shorts underneath it. You were laying on the couch in the living room and using your phone as it was raining outside. It was getting late but you didn't care since you didn't have work the next day.

Soon you started feeling uncomfortable. You kept moving to find a comfortable position but nothing worked. Suddenly you felt pangs of pain shooting through your abdomen. Cramps, really bad period cramps. Your period cramps were horrible and sometimes unbearable. You wouldn't be able to move or even breathe properly. The pain started to grow and soon your body went numb and all you could feel was the stinging pain of the cramps. Your tears started to flow. You would always go through this by yourself because it wasn't as if you had a boyfriend and the thought of troubling Jiho every month bothered you. So you dealt with this yourself.

You couldn't move and the pain was too much. You couldn't stand up to take your painkiller in this state because if you performed any movement it would simply hurt you.

Just then you heard the ringing of the doorbell. You froze at your spot. Who would be here at your place at this time? Definitely not Jiho because he was in Busan right now. What if it was someone dangerous? You couldn't even move right now. You were panicking as your tears kept flowing. The doorbell rang again. You tried to stifle your cries by putting your hand on your mouth.

Y/N:*thinks* Is this how I'm going to die?

After a while there was no sound so you felt relieved thinking whoever was there had left. You jumped as your phone started ringing. You looked at the caller id and picked up the call.

??: Hello?

??: Y/N?

??: Y/N-ah?

You couldn't speak as the cramps were hurting too bad for you to even speak. The call was cut as you couldn't speak anything. The pain was too much for you to process anything. A few minutes later someone entered the passcode as you were scared to death now. Your door opened as you turned to the side with a lot of trouble and covered your face with your hands

Meanwhile outside:

??: Ring the doorbell again.

??: Still no one.

??: Are you sure she's home?

??: Look at the time where would she be right now?

??: Maybe at the club, partying with her friends?

??: First of all, she doesn't have friends except Jiho and second, she doesn't go to clubs, she would sleep instead.

??: Do you think she's sleeping?

??: I don't know, let's call her. It's the only way.

??: Oh it's ringing inside means she is home.

??: Then why isn't she opening up?

??: She isn't speaking anything.

??: What?

??: Do you think she's okay?

??: Hold up, I'll make a call.

??: Her passcode is 120994.

The door opened and they entered inside. They ran to you seeing you huddled on the couch.

??: Y/N? Are you okay?

Your hands were gently taken from your eyes as you saw a familiar face with concern written all over it.

Y/N: Tae tae hyung?

With You (Namjoon ff)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz