࿏ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 34 ࿏

Mulai dari awal

They waved him over as he smiled and took a seat, one of the waitresses walking over and taking his order. Ranboo quickly scanned over the menu before settling on a cappuccino. The woman nodded and walked back over to the counter, the teenager turning to the older female.

"It's been a while, Boo, how've you been?" Sniff asked with a smile, leaning forward slightly. Truth be told, the streamer often found herself thinking about the runaway and while she knew he was alive and well, she couldn't help but think if he was safe. When Scott had shown up at their home asking for their help, the blonde couldn't deny him any and contacted the teenager asking to meet.

Sniff felt bad luring him into a trap where he would be forced to speak with the officer but in the end, she knew it was for their safety and that was the only thing that mattered. They would always make sure to check on the boy during the night or leave food out on the doorstep in case he came back when he ran when they were still at the home.

After he ran away for the last time, they spent the next two weeks putting food on the doorstep for him and, after the caretakers went off at them for it, they put it on the boy's bed. The other boys in his room ended up eating it but a part of Sniff knew the boy wouldn't be back. They were very surprised and beyond happy to receive a letter from him one night two months later.

"I've been great" He smiled with great sincerity. It was true, he was. "I found a family who accepts me for me and never judges me for my mistakes. I feel so free" Sniff smiled, a breathy laugh escaping her lips.

"That's awesome, Boo"

"What about you? I mean, I know you stream- I watch them sometimes, heh- but y'know"

"I've been great also, met some cool friends. I'm in a good space"

"I'm really glad-" The waitress came and put his cappuccino in front of him, the boy smiling as a thank you. "-I was so happy to get your text. I've missed you"

"I missed you too" Their voice wavering slightly as they remembered the cop sitting in the booth behind them. Sniff knew he wouldn't say anything until after she left but it still made them uneasy.

Scott made a deal with Sniff, saying he wouldn't say anything to the teenager whilst the streamer was there and that he was to wait. She wanted nothing to do with what was going to happen and the last thing they wanted was for Ranboo to hate them and drop all contact. The cop being behind the pair made her anxious.

"Still using he/they?"

"Uh, yeah I guess?" Boo tilted his head. He never did understand pronouns, thinking they were nicknames. People just always called him by male 'pronouns' and the teenager never thought much of it, Sniff had to sit him down and explain and even then he didn't understand.

"Just checking" Sniff smiled. They were fond of the boy. "Any luck in tracking down your mums? I know you were set on that"

"Oh! Yeah!" His eyes lit up at the mention of his parents. When he was dropped off at the orphanage, a letter was left with the young boy and when he was old enough to read, he discovered that his mums would be back for him. They sent him letters for seven years straight with gifts and other small items so he knew he was still loved.

10 years later and he was part of a drug cartel having to search for his parents on his own. They said they'd be back but yet, he read that when they were seven and now he was seventeen with no sign of them. It hurt but he was determined to know where he came from.

"Phil is actively trying to help me when he can. My other friends and family are all helping as much as they can, offering any time they can find to lend a hand in my search." Ranboo ranted with a childish glint in their eyes, taking a sip of his coffee when he finished. Sniff laughed lightly with a smile. They were glad to see him smile, they missed his company.

All is Fair in War || SBI || Mafia AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang