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Quackity threw the photo frame across the room, the glass shattering on impact. Charlie jumped. The Casino owner let out a scream of anger, his companion backing up slightly. He was over this game of cat and mouse. Constantly having the police on his ass all the time trying to take him down used to be fun and gave him a rush of adrenaline but now he wanted the game to end. Hearing about the death of Puffy and the betrayal of Ponk lightened his spirits slightly but upon hearing Sapnap was back in commission and Karl was recovering well... that was another story.

As much as he missed the men to whom he had been engaged, he also resented them. They left him behind whether they knew it or not. The fight with Karl the night he left repeatedly played in his head.


"Fuck you, Karl!"

"Why are you doing this, Alex?" Karl begged, tears streaming from his face. He watched as the ravenette whom he loved so much began to pull his clothes out of their walk-in wardrobe and shove them into a duffle bag. Alex fought back his tears, the tone of his fiance's voice breaking his heart.

"Because you don't fucking appreciate me!" He spun around and looked at the broken librarian. "Neither of you do!"

"Yes, we do! We love you!"

"No, you don't!" He turned around and zipped up the bag, pulling the bag up so he could carry it over his shoulder. "Let's be honest for once in our relationship; you and Sapnap have always been happier together and I just invaded your relationship. I ruined everything for you two. You'll be better together"

"So you're just going to fucking leave us for the drug business? You're the one who's been lying to us for so long, Alex, you're the one who has been selling drugs and murdering people behind our backs! You're a murderer who's dating a bloody cop!" The brunette screamed as he followed his fiance out of their shared bedroom and down the stairs onto the first floor.

Pictures and photo frames hung from the walls, most filled with the three smiling faces of the fiance's and others with friends and family who meant the world to the boyfriends. Karl had decorated the majority of the house since neither of his lovers knew how to decorate and were too busy with work and at the time the brunette had other employees to take care of the library.

For nearly three years, Alex had been selling drugs, creating an empire and evading police custody behind Sapnap and Karl's back. He had been living this life before he met the two lovers and never stopped; it was too hard. Having a cop as a boyfriend, while was difficult, was also an advantage as he knew the exact points on how to avoid getting caught and reaction times.

Rob a bank and trip the alarm and it'll take the police a minimum of three minutes and a maximum of six minutes to respond. Shoot off a gun and you had a two-minute window and if a person screamed out as you killed them, depending on the reaction time of the person who would call it in, you had a seven-minute window to get out.

While Alex loved his boyfriend like no tomorrow, he also studied his every move when he spoke about work and remembered all the critical parts. Sapnap always thought his boyfriend was just interested in his work, little did he know he was studying them.

"Think reasonably! Please!"

"I'm done, Karlos!"

"Please! We love you! Please don't leave us!" His voice cracked, tears falling down his cheeks at a rapid pace.

"As much as I want to stay, Karlos, I can't" Alex turned around to look at the brunette briefly before reaching for the door.

"It's me and Sapnap or the drugs!" Karl yelled from the hallway arch, tears streaming down his face. The ravenette paused, hand ghosting over the doorknob. He sucked in a deep breath and turned his head slightly, side-eyeing the brunette.

"Then I choose drugs"


Quackity should have stayed and regretted walking out but he also knew that if he stayed he wouldn't be where he is now. He was as rich as they could come and had people practically bowing at his feet, not to mention the number of people he had saved from a shit normal life. Charlie, Fundy, Foolish and Tubbo were among those he had taken in, Purpled would've been on the list if he hadn't betrayed the man who took him in.

The search for that teenager was still ongoing and when he found him the ravenette would not hesitate to put him in his place alongside his pig of a brother. According to Jimmy, Punz was more careful in getting in unnecessary fights to ensure he could return for his brother. Every piece of info Jimmy Solidarity brought back to his family was valuable in some form.

He looked at the shattered frame, the photo of three figures— two with scratched out faces— peeking out from the shattered pieces. Once again, a scream escaped the Casino owner's lips. Charlie cowered in the corner of the office, while he didn't fear Quackity, when he got angry like this it was best to stay out of his way. All the older man did instead was loop his fingers together and fiddled with them as he looked off to the side in an attempt to give his friend some privacy.

When the screams and shattering of items stopped, the goop of a man decided it was safe to look over. He cautiously gazed over to see his boss and friend panting on the floor leaned up against a bookshelf and a joint in his fingers.

"Quackity from Las Nevadas?" The ravenette grunted and looked up at his right-hand man. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Slime"

A moment of silence passed between the two before Quackity offered out his hand to his friend. A small smile crawled onto the brunette's face as he sheepishly walked over and took his friend's hand, sitting beside him. The ravenette offered over the joint, the gullible man taking it and sucking in its substance. Charlie didn't understand that drugs were bad, never having gotten a proper education. He had been on the streets for basically his entire life.

Purpled always told him he was too gullible, buying into the lies and fake trust of Quackity and everyone else who stood at his side but the brunette always laughed and told him, "That's funny, Purpled from the UFO!"

No one knew where UFO came from but then again, no one questioned it.

The moment Quackity found Charlie he became attached to him, the brunette never left his side. Though he was older, the slime boy was just like a child; never understand the real world. Q took that as a challenge and took the boy in, giving him the best life he could while teaching him along the way. He may complain about Slime but at the end of the day, he was his best friend and he didn't regret picking him up that day.

At least one good thing came from this life.


Words: 1,221

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